27 September 2014

On 27 September 2014, Monsignor Álvaro del Portillo, the first successor of Saint Josemaría Escrivá at the head of Opus Dei, was beatified in Madrid. Don Álvaro inspired the birth of theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma and has given impetus to numerous apostolic and social initiatives throughout the world. Staff and students reached Madrid on the day of the beatification on a dedicated flight. Some students, however, arrived in the Spanish capital by minibus, after a five-stage journey through Italy, France and Spain. It is the project “Blessed Him! Story of a pilgrimage 2.0” to discover the figure of Don Álvaro through significant places in his life and the Campus Bio-Medico. The beatification takes place on the centenary of his birth and twenty years after his death. The ceremony in Madrid was presided over by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato. On Sunday 28 September 2014, Monsignor Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei, celebrated a Holy Mass of thanksgiving. Many initiatives are planned throughout the world and in particular in Rome. The faithful participated in the Audience with Pope Francis on Wednesday 1 October 2014. On October 2, starting at 06:00 pm p.m., the body of Don Álvaro – who rests in the crypt of the Church of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome – was temporarily exposed in the Basilica of Sant'Eugenio in Valle Giulia, also in the Capital. At the Campus Bio-Medico, on October 1 there was an evening with live music and theatrical monologues, but also images and testimonies about the life of Don Álvaro. While on October 2 the Holy Mass of consecration of the Chapel dedicated to the Madonna was celebrated. With the creation of the Chapel, a wish expressed by Don Álvaro when the Campus Bio-Medico was taking its first steps becomes reality.

The party at Campus Bio-Medico

Live music, monologues and recited pieces, but also images and testimonies, with the participation of Piero Cavaglià. They are the ingredients of the show "Don Álvaro, a life to discover" that the students ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, directed by Francesca Fava, staged on October 1st in the entrance courtyard of the Athenaeum to remember Don Álvaro del Portillo, a few days after his beatification in Madrid. The student presents Carlo Maria Giannitti.

A veritable celebration to retrace some salient moments in the life of the future Blessed, his relationship with the founder of Opus Dei, his arrival in Rome, his pastoral commitment and in favor of the neediest.

On October 2, the Chapel dedicated to Our Lady was inaugurated, a wish expressed by Don Álvaro when the Campus Bio-Medico was taking its first steps. At 13 pm, in the Chapel of the University Hospital, Don Matteo Fabbri, Vicar of the Prelature of Opus Dei for Italy, celebrated the S. Mass of consecration of the chapel, followed by the floral procession towards the hill and the deposition of the relic of don Álvaro.

Letter from the Prelate on beatification

A few months after the beatification of Don Álvaro, the Prelate of Opus Dei, Archbishop Javier Echevarría, addresses these lines to those who are preparing to experience this event in the life of the Church.

Dearest: Jesus protect my daughters and my sons!

As the days go by as we approach 27 September, the date of the beatification of don Álvaro, my desire grows to prepare myself very well for that great feast of our Holy Mother Church and of the small part of the Church which is the Prelature. The same will happen to you. I remember how Don Álvaro urged us to prepare for the beatification of our Father on May 17, 1992. I propose to follow in his footsteps, supported by everyone's prayers and joining in what each of you will do.

It seems to me very logical that we burst into sincere thanksgiving to God, for the joy of seeing the first successor of St. Josemaría on the altars, and that this gift from Heaven prompts us to intensify our daily prayer for the fruits of goodness in the souls they will come and for many apostolic initiatives that the faithful and the cooperators of the Work promote all over the world.

I believe, also as an expression of this gratitude, that I have to help you with some suggestions. First of all that, in preparation for this date and then until the end of the year, everyone chooses some special personal prayer for the Church, for the Pope, for the Society, following the example of Saint Josemaría. Please also beg God to hear us regarding my many other intentions, to serve souls more and better.

I also think that what I am asking of you could consist in reciting one more part of the Rosary every day, placing don Álvaro as intercessor, or even a Memorare before an image of Our Lady in your own home (the Center of the Work, the house where inhabited), or in making a brief visit every week to a church dedicated to the Madonna, or in which an image of her is venerated.

It is only a paternal request that I make to you so that, with total spontaneity and freedom, our fidelity to God, to the Church, to the Pope may be ever more diligent. I dare ask that your help be generous.

With all his affection, your Father blesses you


Rome, June 4 2014

Beatification for the Church

Beatification is the act by which the Church makes publicly venerable by a group of the faithful, in specific places and ways, a Servant of God, or a person of whom it has already been ascertained previously that he lived the Christian virtues to a heroic degree . It represents the second step in the path towards canonization, that is, inclusion in the Canon of Saints. Beatification differs from canonization because the latter prescribes a cult extended to the whole Church and presupposes the exercise of the infallibility of the Pope.

The beatification process cannot begin before five years after the candidate's death. It aims to demonstrate the heroic nature of the virtues he practiced and the authenticity of at least one miracle that occurred post-mortem through his intercession. After the admission of heroic virtues, the Pope issues the decree by which the Servant of God can be called Venerable. Proven the authenticity of the miracle, the Pope orders the publication of the decree "del Tuto", i.e. the security to proceed, which allows worship.

Until the twelfth century the procedure for dichiarare the sanctity of a soul availed itself of the acclamation of the faithful. But to avoid abuses and the risk of improper canonizations, the Pope took responsibility for the canonization process for himself, instituting ever more rigorous norms. The blessed cannot be made patrons, nor can their relics be exhibited, except where special Mass and office have been granted. Even in this case, churches and altars cannot be dedicated to them without an indult from the Holy See. The 'gloriole' of light rays around the head is permitted in their image, but the halo is not.