The University Evaluation Unit is a collegial body established pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 22, of Law 537/93 and regulated by Laws no. 370/1999 and n. 240/2010. It is also governed by article 14 of the Statute ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. The Board of Directors, having consulted the Academic Senate, appoints the Evaluation Team, designating its President. The Evaluation Team is made up of highly qualified individuals, mainly external to the University. The student representative for the Evaluation Team is a member of the Evaluation Team.
The current Evaluation Unit ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma was appointed with DR n. 7 of 11/01/2021. The Evaluation Unit is responsible for evaluation of administrative management, teaching and research activities, and interventions to support the right to study applied by the University. The University is required to guarantee him access to the data and the operational autonomy necessary for the evaluation activity (Law 370/1999 art. 1).
The Law 240/2010 and the Presidential Decree n. 76/2010 attribute to the University Evaluation Unit the function of verifying the quality and effectiveness of teaching, verifying the research activity and the adequacy of the scientific or professional curriculum of the holders of teaching contracts, in connection with the ANVUR activity, “in order to promote in universities, in full autonomy and with their own organizational methods, the merit and improvement of organizational and individual performance".
Core Relations
Analysis of students' opinions
- Student Opinion Analysis 2021-2022
- Student Opinion Analysis 2020-2021
- Student Opinion Analysis 2019-2020
- Student Opinion Analysis 2018-2019