Provisions relating to the methods of enrollment in the specialization schools of the Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery dell 'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma for the 'academic year 2020/2021 (DR 330/2021).

The application form, complete with all the forms listed below, must be sent by Fax (+39 06.22541.1938) or by email ([email protected]).

Following enrollment in the assigned School of Specialization, doctors in specialist training must present the following documentation during the preventive medicine visit to the competent doctor:

  • Mantoux or Quantiferon test, performed at least 3 months before enrollment;
  • copy of the vaccination booklet relating to vaccinations carried out in childhood and subsequently and the anticovid 19 vaccination certificate;
  • nasal antigenic or molecular swab report for SARS-CoV-2 virus research performed no later than 48/72 hours before the medical visit.

The Medical Surveillance will contact the trainees via e-mail to communicate the scheduling of the preventive medicine checks aimed at issuing the certificate of suitability for the job.

Send to [email protected] a *.jpeg file in passport photo format with an extreme close-up on a white background. Selfies or dark, out-of-focus photos will not be accepted.

Exclusively for those enrolled in the first year of the course, the payment of the first installment of the Single Contribution (equal to €1.300,00) is made by bank transfer to the bank account of Banca Popolare di Sondrio in the name of theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (IBAN code: IT83 Y056 9603 2110 0000 7344X73), reporting in the reason “Surname - Enrollment in the 2020st year of Specialization 2021/).

You can download the documents you need for enrollment below:

  1. Application for enrollment in the Specialization School
    1.b. Application for enrollment (NON MEDICAL STAFF) in the School of specialization
  2. Objectives and deontological criteria module
  3. Information and consent to the processing of personal data
  4. Payment records
  5. Receipt of the first installment transfer
  6. Copy of a valid identity document
  7. Access to computer resources

You can download the documents needed for the transfer below:

  1. Application for Transfer from another University
  2. Application for Transfer to another University

Opening time

L'Specialization Schools Office dell 'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, for the purposes of registering the candidates who are usefully placed in the ranking, pursuant to the articles. 9 and 10 of DD n. 1205 of 21/05/2021, will observe theopening hours:

  • 10:00 am am - 12:30 pm pm
  • 02:00 pm - 03:00 pm

Where is the office located

The Specialization Schools Office ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma is located in Rome in Via Alvaro Del Portillo, 21 (Trigoria area), on the ground floor of the Advanced Research Center in Biomedicine and Bioingengineering (Prabb).