
Faculty - CdLM Intelligent Systems Engineering

Marco Papi
Associate professor

Since 2011 he has been Associate Professor of Mathematical Methods of Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences at the Departmental Faculty of Engineering. From 2008 to 2010 he was a researcher at the same faculty and previously, since 2005, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Insubria in Varese. From 2003 to 2005 he was Research Fellow at the Institute for Calculation Applications (CNR) and at the Faculty of Economics of the University Luiss. From 2002 to 2003 (9 months) he carried out teaching and research activities at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Austin in Texas. He has been and still holds the following university teachings: Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Methods at the Degree Course in Industrial Engineering and Optimization and Decision-Making Techniques at the Master's Degree Course in Biomedical Engineering. He has also been a lecturer in charge of the Mathematics and Mathematical Finance courses (in English) at the Luiss, of Mathematical Models for Financial Markets at the Department of Mathematics of Roma Tre, of Quantitative Methods in Business (in English) at the Faculty of Economics of Rome "Tor Vergata", of Engineering of Economic-Financial Models at the Faculty of Engineering of Rome "Tor Vergata", of Financial Mathematics at the Faculty of Economics of Insubria. He was Program Coordinator of the European network Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance, promoted by the European Science Foundation. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Sportello Matematico per l'Industria Italiana project, in collaboration with IAC(CNR), SIMAI and AIRO. He participates in the research project signed by the Fiamme Gialle and the Campus Biomedico University of Rome, in collaboration with the University's Laboratory of Complex Systems and Security. Since 2014 he has been a member of the teaching staff of the doctorate in Methods and Models for Economic Decisions at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Insubria.

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Prof. Giorgio Pennazza
Ordinary Professor

From 2020 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the University "Campus Bio-Medico of Rome"

Since 2019 Full Professor of Electronics (09/E3, Ing-Inf/01), Departmental Faculty of Engineering University "Campus Bio-Medico of Rome".

2018-2020 President of the Course in Industrial Engineering, University "Campus Bio-Medico of Rome"

Since 2014 Associate Professor of Electronics (09/E3, Ing-Inf/01), Departmental Faculty of Engineering University "Campus Bio-Medico of Rome".

Since 2011 Head of the Research Unit of Electronics for sensory systems, Integrated Research Center, University "Campus Bio-Medico of Rome"

Since 2010: Permanent researcher at theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.

In 2010: Fixed-term researcher at the Campus Bio-Medico University of


2008-2010: Research grant at theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.

2004-2008: Post-Doc Fellowship at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

6/12/2004: Achievement of the PhD in Sensory and Learning Systems Engineering at

the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

2001-2004: PhD in Sensory and Learning Systems Engineering - XVII Cycle, at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

June 2001: Qualification for the profession of engineer after passing the state exam.

09/05/2001: Degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

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Rosa Sicilia
Assistant professor

Rosa Sicilia was born in 1993. In 2016 she graduated with honors and special mention in Biomedical Engineering at the Campus Bio-Medico University (UCBM), Rome. In 2020 you completed your PhD in Biomedical Engineering (XXXII cycle), curriculum ING-INF / 05 (Information processing systems), at the same University. After a year as a Post Doc, Rosa is currently a researcher on a temporary basis (RTDA) at UCBM, position co-financed by the Lazio Region to work on the project "We-ease-it: A smart and intelligent clinic for Hospital 4.0".

His main research interests are in the field of machine learning and multimodal data mining. In particular, he works on radiomics and radiopathomics, Hospital 4.0, eXplainable AI, automatic detection of rumors in social networks and multivariate analysis of time series. She has participated in international conferences and has been invited as a speaker at several international conferences, the most recent in 2020, "Exploring Media Ecosystems Conference" at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA, USA. She has also participated as a speaker at several international scientific conferences: in 2021 she won the Best Paper Award during the 34th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems.

As far as scientific production is concerned, according to the Scopus source, as of 02/12/2022 the number of citations is equal to 176 for 27 surveyed publications, with H-index equal to 7. He is reviewer, member of the program committee in congresses and magazines in the fields of his scientific interests. She was program committee chair of the IEEE Symposium on Computer Based-Medical System 2022 edition and is general chair of the IEEE Symposium on Computer Based-Medical System 2023 edition.

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Prof. Roberto Setola
Associate professor

Roberto Setola He is the Rector's Delegate for Cyber ​​Security, Scientific Director of the 2nd level Master's Degree in "Homeland Security: Systems, Methods and Tools for Security and Crisis Management" ( and Director of the Complex Systems and Security Laboratories (

Since November 2019 he has a position of Expert at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers on the subject of Resilience of Critical Infrastructures. Area in which he has held various positions at national and international level, among which he was the head of the technical secretariat of the Working Group for the Protection of Critical Computerized Infrastructures.

Director General of the National Inter-University Consortium for Logistics and Transport (NITEL) (since 2018)

National Expert in the Horizon Europe programme for Cluster 3 “Civil Security for Society” (from 2021)

Coordinator of the technical table on "Cyber ​​Resilience of Critical Infrastructures" set up by Unindustria (since 2022)

Also it was

- Rector's Delegate for University-Business relations (Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma) [2014-22]

- Member of the Digital Transformation Unit established at the National School of Administration, Presidency of the Council of Ministers [2019-20]

- President of the Industrial Engineering Degree Course at theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma President of the Industrial Engineering Degree Course at theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma [-2014 17]

He is the author of 8 volumes (5 of which in English) and over 250 national and international publications on topics related to the control of complex systems, the resilience of critical infrastructures, Homeland Security and Cyber ​​security with a specific focus on what concerns Operational Technologies.

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Prof. Paolo Soda
Full professor

Paolo Soda graduated with honors in Biomedical Engineering at Campus Bio-Medico University (UCBM) of Rome in 2004 and obtained the PhD in Biomedical Engineering (IT area) in 2008 at the same University. He is Full Professor of Information Processing Systems at theUCBM, Visiting Professor in Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Engineering at the Department of Radiation Sciences, Umeå University, Sweden. He is also the coordinator of the National Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence, for the area Health and Life Sciences (cycle XXXIX) and vice coordinator for the cycles XXXVII and XXXVIII.

His research interests include artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data analytics, data mining, 2D and 3D image and video processing and analysis. He is a member of international conference program committees and is a reviewer of international journals, as well as being a guest editor of international impact journals. Since 2012 she has been associate editor of the proceedings of the Annual Int Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. From 2018 to 2021, he chaired the steering committee of the IEEE Int Symposium of Computer-Based Medical Systems. He has been co-PI of national and international projects. His research activity is certified by >130 scientific publications, >1700 citations, h-index 22 (Scopus, 05/12/2022). He is co-author of 4 award-winning papers in international conference proceedings (IEEE LSC 2018, IEEE BIBM 2018, IEEE ICCI*CC 2019, IEEE CBMS 2021).

He coordinated the winning working group of 2 international competitions: "COVID CXR Hackathon" (2022 Dubai Expo) and "All against COVID-19: Screening X-ray Images for COVID-19 Infection" (IEEE 2021). He is co-founder of BPCOmedia srl, an innovative start-up and non-owned spin-off of UCBM.

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Luca Vollero
Associate professor

Luca Vollero He graduated in Telecommunications Engineering at the University Federico II of Naples in 2001. He received his PhD in Computer and Automatic Engineering from the same University in 2005. In 2004 he was a "visiting student" at the "Departamento de Ingenieria Telematica" of the University Carlos III of Madrid (SPAIN). In 2005 he held the position of researcher at the laboratories of the CINI (National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics) in Naples. From September 2005 to January 2006 he held the role of researcher at the NEC Europe laboratories in Heidelber (GERMANY). Since July 2006, Luca has been a researcher atUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.

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Prof.ssa Loredana Zollo
Associate professor


Degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Naples 'Federico II' (2000); PhD in Bioengineering at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (2004). Visiting student at the Pierre et Marie Curie University of Paris (2003). Visiting post-doc fellow at the MIT Newman Lab (Cambridge, MA, USA) (2008). University researcher at theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (2008), Associate Professor of Bioengineering (2015) and Full Professor of Bioengineering (2019) at the same university.


Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (from 2022 to present) at theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma; Coordinator of the PhD course in Bioengineering, Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems at the same university (from 2022 to present); director of the CREO Lab (Laboratory of Advanced Robotics and Human-Centred Technologies) (from 2018 to present); President of the Master's Degree Course in Biomedical Engineering at theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (2018 to present);

Topic Editor for the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (2020 to present), Associate Editor for: IEEE RAM (2012-2015), IEEE TMRB (2019 to present), Scientific Reports (2021 to present); Founding member of the "National Group of Bioengineering" Association (from 2018 to today); IEEE Senior Member (2016 to present); co-chair of the IEEE-RAS TC on Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics (2009-2012).


Robotics for rehabilitation and assistance, Biorobotics and Bionics, Intelligent interfaces for human-machine interaction, Surgical robotics and teleoperation, Human biomechanics and ergonomics.

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Alessandro Zompanti
Assistant professor

Graduated in Biomedical Engineering in 2010, he obtained a PhD in Bioengineering and Biosciences in 2017 at theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.

Since 2021 he has been a Researcher (RTD-A) atUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma in the Sensor Electronics Research Unit.

His research activities are mainly focused on the design and development of electronic systems and electronic interfaces for sensors for medical and food applications.

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Pierangelo Afferni
Adjunct professor

March 1979 – Master Degree in Physics “Cum Laude” from University “La Sapienza” of Rome (Italy).

1979 – Advanced School of Specialization in Telecommunication Engineering from “Istituto Superiore del Ministry PPTT” (Advanced Institute of Italian Telecommunication Ministry).

1979 -1980 Fellow researcher at CNR (National Council of Researches) developing an Infrared Sensor for Satellite application, National Laboratories in Frascati (Italy). Fellowship from CNEN (ENEA) on Power LASERs for Ignition of Nuclear Fusion “Tokamak”, Frascati (Italy).

Since November 1980 – Joined as researcher the IBM Software Systems International Laboratory in Rome (Italy).

July 1981 – Degree in Mathematics from University “La Sapienza” of Rome (Italy).

1989 – Senior Software System Engineer at IBM Software Systems International Laboratory.

1992 – Team Leader in OSI Program Products development at IBM

1992 – Collaboration with Dr. A. Sernadas - Computer Science Group INESC / Department of Mathematics at IST The Lisbon Institute of Technology – on OBLOG project (Object-Oriented Software Development Technology), ESDI Lisbon (Portugal)

1992-1994 Member of OOTC (Object-Oriented Technology Center), IBM Corporation

1999 - 2008 Obtained PMI Certification as PMP (Project Management Professional), Project Management Institute, Inc. (Pennsylvania, USA)

March 2001 - 2008 Obtained IBM Certification as Senior Project Manager.

2001-2003 Member of PMCOE (Project Management Center of Excellence), IBM Corporation

2007 – Received “Excellence Award” from IBM Corporation Vice President

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Bruno Cesena
Adjunct professor
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