Within an event on food education weblog UCBM
July 30th, 2015 - Present your degree thesis within an international event. Dr. Marta Maerini, graduated in Food and Human Nutrition Sciences at theUCBM, was in fact able to present its research work on Monday 27 July within the Expo. "Advertising messages and food choices", this is the title of his thesis and of his speech, held at the Italian Pavilion on the occasion of the two-day event UCBM on the theme "Commun-educere? The challenges of food education: nutritional, communicative and didactic perspectives". A title which is also that of a book published by Armando Editore, in which Dr. Maerini's three-year thesis work also converged.
The event, moderated by Laura De Gara, president of the Degree Course in Food and Human Nutrition Sciences at theUCBM, was introduced by Riccardo Garosci, president of the Food Education Committee of the Ministry of Education, University and Research. The teachers also attended UCBM Maria Cinque (Food education and teaching and communication methodologies) e Maddalena Pennacchini (Food ethics and culture and bioethics), as well as Claudio Pensieri, of the Clinical Direction of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital, and to Paolina De Toma, graduated in Food and Human Nutrition Sciences at the same University.