The results of 2022 and the research and innovation development strategies for the society of the future will be presented.

Monday 23 October 2023
Via Alvaro del Portillo, 21 Rome
9.30am – 12.30pm Aula Magna Trapezio

Rome, 21 October 2023 - THEUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma celebrates its “Research Day 2023” with Inail, Cnr, Ispra and the IRCCS Fondazione Don Gnocchi Onlus: four of the main scientific partners of the university which this year celebrates its first 30 years of existence.

From the research coordinators of the three Departmental Faculties of the University di Medicine and Surgery, di Engineering, di Science and Technologies for Sustainable Development and One Health will illustrate the results of scientific research for the year 2022 and the development strategies of research and innovation for the society of the future In presence of Antonio Di Donato, Director General of the Mission Unit for the implementation of PNRR interventions - Ministry of University and Research, of the Director of the Agency for the Promotion of European Research Marco Falzetti, of the Extraordinary Commissioner of the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL) Fabrizio D'Ascenzo, of the President of the National Research Council Maria Chiara Carrozza, by the Scientific Director IRCCS Fondazione don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Maria Cristina Messa, and the President of the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Ispra) Stephen Laporta.

The results of the Ucbm 2022 research confirm a growing trend compared to previous years, both in terms of scientific production, with more than 900 articles, with an average of 5 publications per professor in the staff, and cumulative impact factor on indexed journals greater than 6400, and in terms of participation in competitive calls with a success rate of 29%.

Among the projects that will be presented:

CAL.HUB.RIA (CALabria HUB Advanced Innovative Research) funded by the Ministry of Health with over 30 million euros for the achievement of 10 advanced research objectives in personalized, precision and regenerative medicine. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome and Fondazione Policlinico Campus Bio-Medico of Rome will play a leading role in clinical and preclinical research, aimed at a better understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the main neurodegenerative, oncological and cardiological diseases and the testing of innovative therapies for these diseases, based on brain neuromodulation and the use of stem cells.  

Fondazione Roma, Campus-Bio-Medico University of Rome and Fondazione Policlinico will soon work on Integrated center for research and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The main objective of the nascent project will be the coordination and integration between preclinical and clinical research in order to enhance the development of new biomarkers and new therapeutic targets.

The "Fit for Medical Robotics (Fit4MedRob)" project funded under the PNRR and coordinated by the CNR, promotes the use of robotics and allied digital technologies in revolutionizing current rehabilitation and care models. The Departmental Faculty of Engineering, involved as a partner and co-responsible for Mission 3 on “Next generation components”, contributes to the project both through the development of innovative robotic and digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence and advanced sensors, and their application in the clinical field, and through basic research and the exploration of completely new hardware and software technologies, which can contribute to the entire rehabilitation process, with a view to continuity of care. 

In the framework of the PNRR project “FAIR – Future Artificial Intelligence Research”, the Departmental Faculty of Engineering is involved as a partner of Spoke 3 focused on resilient AI, and is co-responsible for the activities concerning both multimodal learning methods and the development of application case studies in domains characterized by intrinsic complexity.

National Center for Agricultural Technologies AGRITECH, financed by the PNRR, for the development of innovative technologies in the agricultural sector to improve the quantity and quality of production, ensuring adaptation to climate change through the identification and characterization of plant species and varieties of interest in the agri-food sector with particular characteristics of resistance to stress environmental issues related to climate change. The project is being followed by a multidisciplinary group of researchers who are pooling their skills in metabolomic, physiological and molecular analysis, with particular attention to the genetic and epigenetic regulation that controls specific characteristics of resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Part of the study will also be dedicated to the development and implementation of advanced and innovative plant phenotyping approaches that allow obtaining, in a non-invasive way, early information on its health status, as well as on the technological characterization of the edible parts of the plant. 

National Center for Biodiversity, also funded by the PNRR, for the development of solutions to preserve biodiversity by counteracting the effect of human impact and climate change through the development of systems for monitoring pollutants in the air, through the use of electronic sensors and studying the interaction exposome-health, from a One Health perspective. Furthermore, we are carrying out a characterization of natural sources of bioactive molecules in order to exploit them in the various application sectors (enhancement of biodiversity, food, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, etc.), on the basis of identified biological properties.

At the Round Table “Research for the society of the future. Sustainability for the health, well-being and safety of the person in social and working life", moderated by the Rector Ucbm Prof. Eugenio Guglielmelli, the five delegates of the rector for research and innovation on priority issues for the University will participate together with important representatives of national scientific research including Edoardo Gambacciani, INAIL Central Research Director; Emanuele Gruppioni, Technical Director of the Research and Training Area of ​​the Prosthetic Centre, Central Directorate of Prosthetic Assistance and Rehabilitation, INAIL; Giovanni Maga, Director of the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the CNR; Paul Joseph Ravazzani, Director of the Institute of Electronics and Information and Telecommunications Engineering of the CNR and Maria Siclari, Director General of ISPRA.

During the morning, the results of the competitive internal tenders for the financing of strategic research and innovation projects will be announced. 

In the final session, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the birth of the University, they will be awards presented for institutions that mainly supported the research: Biomedical University Foundation, Foundation ANIA, Foundation Cristiana's Smile, Foundation Rome.