The competition was announced by Fidaf

12 September 2015 - Sara Pacconi is, together with Francesca Cannata, among the four winners of the competition "Young people present the agriculture of tomorrow", organized by Fidaf (FedeItalian ration Doctors in Agriculture and Forestry) on the occasion of Expo 2015. Both Master's degree students in Food and Human Nutrition SciencesUCBM were awarded in Milan. We publish Sara Pacconi's proposal below.

One third of the world's food production ends up in the trash. The waste is equal to 1.3 billion tons per year, estimated at eight billion euros (source: FAO). These are alarming figures, especially if read in the context of a 'social paradox': every year in the world 36 million people die from lack of food and 29 million from diseases related to excess food, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity. The sale of expiring products at discounted prices, "zero impact" catering initiatives for the recovery of leftovers, improvement of packaging or use of waste as fuel for the generation of electricity could be some solutions to reduce waste. In industrialized countries, 42 percent of waste is due to domestic consumption. Here are little tips that we could implement at home: make a thoughtful shopping list, buy less and more processed products ingresources, store food correctly in the fridge, learn to cook with waste, encourage doggy bags in restaurants. Agriculture can also make its contribution by combining good agronomic practices with intensive agriculture. The invitation is to give value to food, recover traditions, sharing and sustainability. Don't waste, but Spre-CARE, taking care of yourself and the Planet.