From the most significant seeds and rounds to the most relevant news for the innovation ecosystem, the editorial team of StartupItalia has published the list with the best startups of 2023. An extensive list of groups of innovative companies that have achieved concrete goals during the year. Among these also Here we are, born in 2021 as a spin-off ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma with the aim of helping and supporting patient care not only during hospitalization but also and above all in the post-hospitalization period. In fact, through proprietary wearable technology it allows the collection, aggregation and analysis of physiological data.
"This achievement is a tribute to our mission: to assist pharmaceutical companies and doctors in patient care. - we read on the channel Linkedin by Heremos - Through our proprietary wearable technology, we engage in the collection, aggregation and analysis of raw physiological data, spingpushing the boundaries of innovation in the health sector".