June 5, we celebrate World Environment Day

In this era of growing concern about climate change and air pollution, research and development of sustainable solutions becomes increasingly crucial. To celebrate World Environment Day and reflect on the importance of protecting and conserving the global ecosystem, theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma talks about the research and development of an innovative and sustainable solution that talks about energy transition. This is the project of Alice Bertino e Maria Beatrice Falasconi dell 'Research Unit of Physico-Chemistry Foundations of Chemical Engineering and teacher. Vincenzo Piemonte, President of the Master's Degree Course in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Development UCBM, published in March 2023 in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

A work in which hydrogen emerges as the potential fuel of the future because it is capable of reduce harmful emissions and facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy. It is the most abundant chemical element in the universe and can be produced sustainably using renewable energy sources. In fact, the project aims to obtain this "green fuel" through an innovative thermochemical cycle: remove the hydrogen contained in the water using the sun as the only source of energy. This approach not only has the advantage of producing zero-emission fuel, but at the same time allows the direct energy produced by the sun to be stored.

Research lines of this type offer clear and promising horizons for tackling today's environmental challenges. However, the transition to a low-carbon economy and the large-scale adoption of hydrogen they require a global and collaborative effort