They attended the congress in London Marta Bertolaso, Michela Piredda and Gabriella Facchinetti
1 December 2017 - 'A home: a place of growth, care and well-beinging' is the theme of the interdisciplinary conference on the crucial role of the concept of 'home' in personal care, which took place at the Royal Society of Medicine in London on 16 and 17 November.
The event, organized by the Home Renaissance Foundation, was attended by three representatives Ucbm: Marta Bertolaso, professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, as organizational director, Michela Piredda, professor of Nursing, as a member of the scientific committee, and Gabriella Facchinetti, doctoral student in nursing sciences and public health who contributed with a presentation on the topic.
There are two main objectives of the conference:
- promote awareness of the importance of what is learned at home and what can be done in it for the promotion of health, both in the private and social spheres;
- promote evidence-based political campaigns.
In fact, it is still little known to what extent the concept of 'home' influences people's health and well-being, especially when the dimension of illness enters their lives.
The qualitative study on the characteristics of the residential structures desired by the elderly and in which they 'feel at home', carried out by theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma thanks to the support of the Alberto Sordi Foundation. The study has taken a first step towards understanding the factors that hinder 'feeling at home' and the strategies to be adopted to recreate the intimate and welcoming environment that we all call home in residential structures.
Authoritative exponents from the world of public health, national and international politics and healthcare professionals were present at the event. In a succession of speeches and workshops, the following topics were addressed: the role of the home in the first years of life and in society, the home as a place where you can age peacefully and actively, the home as a place to promote health through proper nutrition.