Together with a common vision of the future
4 November 2020 - Science, research, didactic study and above all a common vision of the future: it is with these foundations that, in the presence of the academic Authorities, today 4 November 2020 the framework agreement was signed between “Foro Italico” University e Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.
The cornerstone of this sharing are the methodologies and tools to be developed in fields of respective interest such as medicine and sports science.
A direction that has already seen the two universities proceed side by side, as demonstrated by the consolidated collaboration between the Sports Medicine Unit of the Foro Italico University directed by Prof. Fabio Pigozzi and the Complex Operative Unit of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital directed by Prof. Rocco Papalia, student of the School of Prof. Vincenzo Denaro.
Seven lines of address have seen the two Universities proceed along a common path, further marking the same field of scientific interest: 1) the role of physical exercise in musculoskeletal pathologies; 2) the rehabilitation of the sportsman and the re-education of the athletic gesture; 3) the role of physical activity in pre- and post- orthopedic prosthetic replacement surgery and its effectiveness in improving functional outcomes; 4) the role of preventive and adapted physical activity in the prevention and treatment of orthopedic pathologies in the elderly (osteoarthrosis, osteoporosis); 5) the effects of physical exercise in the elderly; 6) the potential bio-humoral indicators of the effects of physical exercise on health status; 7) physical exercise and oxidative stress levels.
The relationship between the two universities has thus led to the creation of a series of initiatives which represent the importance of this agreement in a practical and tangible way, leaving the door open to future new projects. In fact, they are currently developed collaborative research projects with the Cardio Center of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital; joint publications are produced in international scientific journals in the orthopedic field; in terms of teaching, a st level University Master's Degree in Sports Physiotherapy has been organized and further opportunities for sharing and joint development of the teaching offer are planned.
“This deal - explains Professor Fabio Pigozzi - testifies to the desire to open up and offer the widest possible horizon to young people who choose to undertake their university studies at one of the two universities. An agreement based on the most modern interpretation of motor sciences, and which follows guidelines that have become dogmas in the most accredited international universities specializing in the subject. If there is one mistake that a University must not make, it is that of closing itself within its perimeter of beliefs and certainties: the agreement with friends and colleagues ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma testifies to the desire of the “Foro Italico” University to leave its doors open to the most modern stimuli provided by research and science in the motor field”.
"The movement – highlights the Rector ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Raffael calabrò - and the way in which its study contributes to the state of health of people and communities is one of the most compelling challenges for a University like ours whose director is Science for Man. They are articulated disciplines ranging from nutrition to physiatry, from geriatrics to cognitive sciences, from traumatology to wearable devices. a development framework that goes from teaching to research, to positive effects for the community, thus realizing one of the three missions of the academic realities".
'SUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma the Rector, Prof. Raffaele, was present calabròthe Director General, Dr. Andrea Red, Prof. Rocco Papalia and Prof. Vincenzo Denaro, while for the University of Rome "Foro Italico" the Deputy Pro-Rector, Prof. Fabio Pigozzi, and the General Manager, Dr. Lucia Cultivated.