Nasal-sinus surgery and pharynx remodeling to treat patients with sleep apnea in collaboration with colleagues from the Milan Polyclinic and the Universidad de Nuevo León
9 October 2020 - An innovative pharynx remodeling procedure to treat a sleep apnea patient. It was performed by the Integrated Therapies Unit in Otorhinolaryngology of the University Hospital, in remote collaboration, via videoconferencing systems, with colleagues from the Milan Hospital, creators of the procedure, last April.
In the midst of the Covid-19 health emergency, not being able to travel to the Lombardy capital due to ministerial provisions that prevented inter-regional travel, the patient was successfully taken care of by our Polyclinic. An extraordinary experience of collaboration between the prof's teams. Manuele Casale (Ucbm) and Prof. Lorenzo Pignataro (Policlinico di Milano) which opens the way towards possible future developments of intra-operative second opinion, with a view to offering the patient an ever-improving service.
And just last Thursday a new functional rhino-sinus surgery and a pharyngoplasty were performed on a patient suffering from obstructive sleep apnea by Prof. Manuele Casale and by Dr. Vittorio Rinaldi. In remote connection with the prof.'s team. Rodolfo Lugo Saldana (Universidad Autonoma de Nuovo León) of the Hospital San José de la Ciudad de Monterrey and with the Grupo Médico San Pedro de San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León. A distance learning opportunity also for fellows and specialists from the healthcare facilities involved.