Maurizio Melis of Radio24 moderated the Research Day

July 5th, 2016 - "I3: Innovation, Internationalization and Interdisciplinarity between biomedical and bioengineering", this is the theme chosen this year for the Research Day UCBM (download the program). Two panels, both moderated by the science journalist and Radio24 presenter Maurizio Melis, which on Tuesday 5 July dealt with topics of public debate concerning science and innovation straddling medicine, biology and engineering. But not only. In fact, two projects concerning theinnovation in the treatment of diabetes (watch the video) and thetissue engineering (watch the video), searches which achieved and published particularly significant results in 2015. Giovanni Di Pino, head of the new Research Unit of Neurophysiology and Neuroengineering of Human-Technology Interaction, finally presented its winning project of the ERC Starting Grant.

It was finally renewed the agreement with Inail on the subject of bionic prostheses. The challenge for researchers UCBM è being able to design, develop and implement a completely implantable and advanced bio-mechatronic hand system, with neural interfaces that communicate wirelessly with the prosthesis from the patient's stump, allowing the patient to fine-tune the objects. And, again, to inaugurate in Italy a new surgical technique for the treatment of proximal amputations (those near the shoulder) of the upper limb, in order to create a real center for the implantation of advanced prostheses. THEUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma it would become the first Italian center to be able to guarantee this type of solution, currently only guaranteed in the USA and Austria.

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