In a context characterized by constant technological progress, it is extremely important to make the collaboration between academic institutions and businesses increasingly solid. A concrete example of this synergy emerges from the experience of three thesis students Master's degree course in Intelligent Systems Engineering dell 'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma in Teleconsys. Francesca Vadilonga, Massimo Capurro Lladò and Francesco Carpineti they dedicated six months of internship at Teleconsys, immersing themselves in projects related to innovative themes including IOTA and blockchain, digital identity distributed, metaverse, cybersecurity and the decentralized oracle developed by Teleconsys: dNow.

Today, Wednesday 20 December, the three graduates defended their theses and received the score of 110 cum laude.

  • "Development of an analysis model for security in distributed networks: comparative approach with traditional centralized systems" - Francesca's thesis with professor as supervisor. Roberto Setola and co-supervisor Marco Chessari, Chief Innovation Officer of Teleconsys. The thesis focuses on the development of an analysis model for security in distributed networks, comparing it with traditional centralized systems. This study is relevant given the increased adoption of decentralized networks across various industries and the need to assess their vulnerability to cyber attacks. Francesca used theISRAM (Information Security Risk Analysis Method) to manage information security risks in distributed networks: adapted this method through surveys, numerical evaluations and the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to weight risk factors.
    The method was then used to perform a risk assessment for dOra and the proposed model offers a replicable and customizable approach for risk assessment in distributed systems.

  • "Metaverse and Digital Identity: definition and evaluation of a solution based on DID and Non-Fungible Tokens" - Massimo's thesis with prof as supervisor. Luca Vollero and co-supervisors Prof. Lorenzo Petrosino and Marco Chessari. The thesis addresses the emerging theme of the metaverse and digital identity, proposing an innovative solution based on Decentralized Identifiers (DID) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT). This work explores how DIDs can improve user safety and autonomy in metaverses, overcoming the limitations of current centralized access systems. In collaboration with the Teleconsys Innovation team, a framework has been developed that integrates DID authentication with a login application, a smart-contract on Ethereum Virtual Machine and a Metaverse Platform. Using the IOTA DLT for distributed ledgers and the Polygon blockchain for its compatibility and efficiency, the project made it possible to create virtual spaces accessible only through NFTs, assigned through DID digital identity, linking the latter to access to these environments.
    This research, therefore, not only fills a gap in the integration of DIDs with NFTs, but also provides a practical model for security and identity management in immersive digital environments, proposing a significant impact on future development and use of metaverses.

  • "Tokenization and Decentralized Governance: an integrated approach for Distributed Oracle Systems" - Francesco's thesis with professor as supervisor. Luca Vollero and co-supervisors Prof. Lorenzo Petrosino and Giordano Pescetelli, Innovation Consultant at Teleconsys. The thesis focuses on the important topic of digital transformation linked to topics such as decentralization and governance of distributed systems. In the context of blockchain, the thesis introduces dOra, an innovative solution from Teleconsys, which aims to integrate reliable and secure external data sources, while maintaining decentralization. The main objective is to develop a comprehensive governance framework for dOra, using an advanced tokenization system to implement a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).
    Through theoretical and practical analysis, Francesco's research provides crucial insights into the operational dynamics of the dOra decentralized oracle system, examining aspects such as node validation, incentivization and customer participation. His proposal for a multi-token governance framework is key to creating a vibrant and inclusive governance environment, valuing and incentivizing the contribution of all participants.
    In conclusion, Francesco's thesis offers a significant contribution to the field of blockchain, particularly for decentralized oracle services, laying the foundation for future innovations and demonstrating the potential of blockchain and decentralized systems in creating efficient, secure and democratic digital environments .

With the graduation of Francesco, Massimo and Francesca, Teleconsys e UCBM they celebrate not only their personal success, but also their vision of the future where technological innovation and quality education go hand in hand.