How to make the evolutionary leap in digital transformation

31 March, 2022 - "We live in a tsunami-like context in which technologies are bringing about exponential changes. Now the digital transformation has become so irreversible that it cannot be addressed as a technical change but must be addressed as a cultural change." With these words, on Friday 18 March, the dr. Gianluca MonteleoneSenior Advisor for Innovation and Digital Transformation, kicked off the second edition of the Master in Digital Open Innovation & Entrepreneurship dell 'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. Made in collaboration with Marzotto Venture Accelerator, the master is part of the postgraduate training offer sponsored by UCBM Academy in the context ofInnovation & Sustainability Program designed to build a vast and inclusive educational ecosystem to support open innovation processes, acquisition of managerial skills and organizational development. To welcome new participants also the teacher. Roberto Guide, Scientific Director of the Master who underlined the topicality and innovation of the proposed course - "With this path we aim to train new leaders of Open Innovation, to govern the digital transformation within the best companies of our economic system. Participants will have the opportunity to meet professionals who work in the field every day and who will make their experience available. In fact, also thanks to the analysis of case studies, students will be able to have a 360-degree view of the decisive role of the Open Innovation Manager for innovation strategies”.

In an era of absolute transformation where everything has changed and continues to evolve rapidly, it is necessary to increase the speed in which the organization is revolutionized, passing from closed to open innovation. But how is it possible to implement this new strategic paradigm within a system that has already started? "Within the organization a new professional figure must be introduced, That the chief transformation officer, that helps to design a defined trajectory of change and, at the same time, knows how to make it sustainable" explained Dr. Monteleone. And this is precisely one of the objectives of this path: train open innovation leaders oriented towards the dynamic and adaptive management of organizational change

"In the era of digital transformation, every sector must make an evolutionary leap and in Net Insurance we chose to do it" stated the dr. Andrea Baptist, CEO of the Italian insurance company. This final intervention allowed to get to know a company already established in its sector that has chosen to implement the open innovation paradigm. "The entry into the digital world by the insurance sector is creating a very significant change: on the one hand it is causing a series of complexities that make the journey difficult but on the other it generates infinite opportunities for those who identify specific goals and objectives for growth" has ofchiarato dr. Baptist. 

The world of open innovation is therefore prefigured as a real journey to discover opportunities only if you are willing to make a radical change that requires a director capable of governing it. Prepare for thisl Master in Digital Open Innovation & Entrepreneurship, offering the possibility of knowing and orienting oneself in the strong acceleration of technological development and the ability to define collaborative innovation strategies enabled by digital technologies. Not only, UCBM Academy offers various executive courses aimed at developing the skills characterizing the new professional figures of the digital transition:

"Twenty years from now you will not be disappointed by the things you have done but by the things you have not done. So weigh anchor, abandon safe havens, catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." cit. Mark Twain.