Prof. Massimo Ciccozzi
Professore Ordinario Nuovo regime
1.Family name: Ciccozzi
2.First names: Massimo
3.Date of birth: 26 June 1957
4.Nationality: Italian
5.Civil status: married
InstitutionRome University
Degree(s) obtained degree in Biological science
Institution Turin University
Degree(s) obtained master’s degree in epidemiology and biostaistic (2 years)
Institution Catholic University of Rome
Degree(s) obtained Graduation in molecular Biology
Institution Johns Hopkins University Baltimore
Degree(s) obtained Graduation in epidemiology and Biostatistic
cv ciccozzi massimo
Language skills: English excellent,excellent,excellent
-WHO expert consultant for Serbia and Montenegro for planning and organizing second generation HIV surveillance systems;
-Italian Expert consultant for surveillance systems and molecular epidemiological studies in China
-P:I: in A twinning project Italy- Bulgaria
-Expert consultant in epidemiology in Montenegro
-P.I. and Scientific responsible in Egyptian Project ( Italian cooperation).
-P.I AIDS Project Bastet-bases for assessement and testing of eradication
P.I AIDS Project Molecular epidemiology and evolution of HIV in Balkan countries
P.I Italia USA project : Genomics and postgenomic era in psychiatric disease:role of human endogenous retroviruses in autism spectrum disorder
P.I.Italian Project Quality Control Tests for Human Vaccines and Sera twinning project italy
-Fellowship. Gilead Project on HIV 2
Expert consultant in the “ Quality” project for the Italian Infectious disease society, for planning and organizing clinical centres of infectious diseases;
Scientific supervisor Project L250/90 drug addiction funds.
Present position: Researcher in epidemiology, biostatistics and viruses evolution at Italian National Institute of Health ( Department of Infection Diseases) Associate professor in Epidemiology and Statistic; Chief of molecular epidemiology and molecular evolutionary group
Studies on molecular epidemiology and phylogeny on infectious diseases
Albania 2003- 2004Studies on molecular evolution of HIV
China 2003Studies on molecular evolution on infectious diseases
China 2005 Studies on molecular evolution on infectious diseases
Serbia 2003-2004 Study on second generation surveillance systems
Montenegro 2003-2005 Study on second generation surveillance systems and studies on molecular evolution on infectious diseases
Bulgaria 2007 Key expert on molecular studies. in a twinning project Italy Bulgaria
Bulgaria 2009 -10
P.I. in a twinning project Italy Bulgaria
Egypt 2009-2012 P.I. scientific in cooperative project
Montenegro 2010 2011 Consultant in surveillance system for infectious diseases
Writer in a book editet In Bulgaria : Guidelines and quality control in molecular microbiology diagnostic 2010
pubblicazioni ultimo anno 2014
Ciccozzi M, et al Phylogeny of Dengue and Chikungunya virusesin Al Hudayda governorate, Yemen. Infect Genet Evol.2014 Falasca F, Temperoni C, Mazzuti L, Lo Presti A, Ciccozzi M, Di Filippo E,
Iaiani G, Taliani G, Turriziani O. Genetic analyses of HIV-1 pol sequences fromZimbabwean patients. New Microbiol 2014. Babakir-Mina M, Di Monte S, Lo Presti A, Cella E, Perno CF, Ciotti M, CiccozziM. Phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis of influenza A H7N9 virus. New Microbiol.2014
Ciccozzi M et al Viral Sequence Analysis of HIV-Positive Women and TheirInfected Children: Insight on the Timing of Infection and on the TransmissionNetwork. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses.2014 Rezza G, El-Sawaf G, Faggioni G, Vescio F, Al Ameri R, De Santis R, Helaly G, Pomponi A, Metwally D, Fantini M, Qadi H, Ciccozzi M, Lista F. Co-circulation of
Dengue and Chikungunya Viruses, Al Hudaydah, Yemen, 2012. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014
Luzzago C, Lauzi S, Ebranati E, Giammarioli M, Moreno A, Cannella V, MasoeroL, Canelli E, Guercio A, Caruso C, Ciccozzi M, De Mia GM, Acutis PL, Zehender G, Peletto S. Extended genetic diversity of bovine viral diarrhea virus andfrequency of genotypes and subtypes in cattle in Italy between 1995 and 2013.Biomed Res Int.2014
Sagnelli C, Ciccozzi M, Pisaturo M, Zehender G, Lo Presti A, Alessio L,Starace M, Lovero D, Sagnelli E, Coppola N. Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis Bvirus genotypes circulating in acute hepatitis B patients in the Campania region.J Med Virol.2014 Zehender G, Ebranati E, Gabanelli E, Sorrentino C, Lo Presti A, Tanzi E,Ciccozzi M, Galli M. Enigmatic origin of hepatitis B virus: an ancient travellingcompanion or a recent encounter? World JGastroenterol.2014
Marascio N, Ciccozzi M, Equestre M, Lo Presti A, Costantino A, Cella E, Bruni R, Liberto MC, Pisani G, Zicca E, Barreca GS, Torti C, Focà A, Ciccaglione AR.Back to the origin of HCV 2c subtype and spreading to the Calabria region(Southern Italy) over the last two centuries: a phylogenetic study. Infect Genet Evol.2014
Grifoni A, Montesano C, Palma P, Giovanetti M, Castelli-Gattinara G, CiccozziM, Mattei M, Mancino G, Salerno A, Colizzi V, Amicosante M. Role of individual's T-cell immunome in controlling HIV-1 progression. Immunology.2014 Paba P, Farchi F, Mortati E, Ciccozzi M, Piperno M, Perno CF, Ciotti M.Screening of respiratory pathogens by Respiratory Multi Well System (MWS) r-gene™assay inhospitalized patients. New Microbiol.2014 Cenci A, D'Avenio G, Tavoschi L, Chiappi M, Becattini S, Narino Mdel P,Picconi O, Bernasconi D, Fanales-Belasio E, Vardas E, Sukati H, Lo Presti A,
Ciccozzi M, Monini P, Ensoli B, Grigioni M, Buttò S. Molecular characterization of HIV-1 subtype C gp-120 regions potentially involved in virus adaptivemechanisms. PLoS One.2014
Zehender G, Ebranati E, Lai A, Luzzago C, Paladini S, Tagliacarne C, Galli C,
Galli M, Ciccozzi M, Zanetti AR, Romanò L. Phylogeography and phylodynamics ofEuropean genotype 3 hepatitis E virus. Infect Genet Evol.2014 Lai A, Bozzi G, Franzetti M, Binda F, Simonetti FR, Micheli V, Meraviglia P, Corsi P, Bagnarelli P,De Luca A, Ciccozzi M, Zehender G, Zazzi M, Balotta C.Phylogenetic analysis provides evidence of interactions between Italian heterosexual and South American homosexual males as the main source of nationalHIV-1 subtype C epidemics. J Med Virol 2014
Karan LS, Ciccozzi M, Yakimenko VV, Lo Presti A, Cella E, Zehender G, RezzaG, Platonov AE. The deduced evolution history of Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus. J Med Virol.2014 Ciccozzi M, etl. Evolutionary dynamics of HBV-D1 genotype epidemic in Turkey. J Med Virol.2014Ciccozzi M, ET AL.Phylogenetic analysis of HCV-4d in Turkey: thecurious case of Kayseri province. J Med Virol.2014 Lai A, Ciccozzi M, Franzetti M, Simonetti FR, Bozzi G, Binda F, Rosi A,
Bonora S, De Luca A, Balotta C, Zehender G. Local and global spatio-temporal dynamics of HIV-1 subtype F1. J Med Virol.2014