Ministry of Health financed Research 2000, 2001-2003: “Development of a preclinical protocol of genetic immunization against a colon tumor-associated antigen"
Project Objectives
The overall objective of the project is to perform a preclinical study of a genetic immunization protocol against a new colorectal cancer-associated antigen. To this aim, the expression of the antigen on several human tissues, both pathological and non, is analyzed in more detail to determine the sensitivity and specificity of this new biomarker with greater accuracy.
The cDNA encoding for the antigen is also cloned and the genomic structure of the gene and its expression in various tissues is investigated. An animal model for colorectal cancer expressing the antigen in question that can mimic the pathological condition of liver metastases induced by colorectal carcinoma is also evaluated.
Overall, this information and deliverables, together with data already available from preliminary studies, are used to generate multigenic plasmid vectors specific for genetic immunization against the antigen and for the co-expression of immunomodulatory molecules to be used in the developed experimental model.
Start/End Date
February 1, 2001 - January 31, 2003
Principal Investigator
Prof. Vito Michele Fazio
Host Institution
IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza - San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
Other Institutions involved
- Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Department of Public Health - Italy
- CNR, Istituto Medicina Sperimentale - Rome, Italy
- Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Department of Experimental Medicine - Italy
- Istituto Regina Elena - Rome, Italy
Source of funding
Italian Ministry of Health