
The perception of care dependence in patients with chronic diseases


Project objectives

The main objectives of this multicenter study are:

1. The development of a questionnaire able to measure patients' perception of dependence on nursing care.

2. Testing the psychometric properties of the questionnaire on a sample of chronic patients from different centers in northern, central and southern Italy.

Start/End Date

March 2015 - December 2019

Principal Investigator

Prof. Michela Piredda - Associate Professor MED / 45

Host Institution

Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome

Other Institutions involved

  • Careggi University, Florence
  • IRCSS Cancer Institute Regina Elena of Rome
  • Institute in advanced technologies and models of care in Oncology IRCCS, Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, Reggio Emilia


Project funded by the Center of Excellence for Nursing Culture and Research, OPI Rome
