

Automatic system for monitoring and predicting adverse events in diabetes

Project Objectives

This project involves the development and validation of a decision support system for people with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus. The system will be able to use readings from commercial continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensors to predict future blood glucose levels in order to prevent adverse glycemic events. The predictive algorithm will be based on a model developed in our previous work that currently achieves state-of-the-art performance, despite using a smaller amount of patient data for training (24h). The ultimate goal of the project will be the development of an embedded system capable of interacting with the CGM sensor and providing the diabetic subject with a prediction of their glycemic state from 30 to 15 minutes in advance, thereby giving the patient time to intervene to prevent adverse events such as hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia.


Start/End Date

22/07/2021 - 31/10/2023

Principal Investigator

Prof. Vincenzo Piemonte

Host Institution

Campus Bio-Medico

Other Institutions involved in the project

  • CNR

Source of funding

Regione Lazio

Project economic value

150.000 €
