
CLARO - A Collaborative Multi-Sources Radiopathomics Approach For Personalized Oncology In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Project objectives

CLARO was born from a collaborative project between the Faculties of Medicine and Surgery and that of Ingengineering, with the aim of researching Imag characteristicsing (radiological and anatomo-pathological) specific to lung cancer, to be used as biomarkers capable of predicting the response to oncological therapies, be they chemo-radiotherapy, immunological or target therapies.

Just as Genomics has changed the approach leading to the personalized therapy of tumors, so Radiomics is proving to be an innovative and promising element for obtaining that Precision Medicine indispensable for choosing the best treatment for the cancer patient.

This study aims to identify factors predicting the outcome of patients suffering from stage III-IV non-small cell lung cancer through personalized image analysis models (Radio-Pathomic). The idea is to convert medical radiological and histopathological images, associated with other clinical information of the patient, into a single, clear and precise group of biomarkers. This approach aims at the possibility of providing the right therapy for each patientingol patient, making the most of the digital revolution that has invaded the current scientific world and contributing to the process of personalizing care.

The Project was the winner of the 2019 Internal Call “University Strategic Projects” Topic: “Biomarkers for precision medicine”

Project start and end date

16 April 2019 - In progress

Scientific manager

Prof. Sara Ramella

Coordinating institution of the project

Oncological Radiotherapy, Campus BioMedico University

Other institutions involved in the project

  • IngBioinformatics Systems engineering, UCBM
  • Diagnostic imaging, UCBM
  • Medical Oncology, UCBM
  • Medical Oncology, University of Turin-AOU S. Luigi Gonzaga Orbassano, Italy

Funding source


Economic value of the project

150.000 €
