
ICRANet Grant No.1889/13

ICRANet Grant  No.1889/13

Project objectives

The project is part of the multinational research activities of the fund granting International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network. This international scientific committee, chaired by Nobel Laureate Prof. Riccardo Giacconi until 2013, awards grants annually, following assessment of research into the following activities:

  • The “Self Gravitating Systems, Galactic Structures and Galactic Dynamics” line of research refers to the study of self-gravitating configurations in Astrophysics both of the classic (stars and galaxies) and relativistic (black holes) kind. Tools employed include analytical mathematical techniques, typical of mathematical physics, and numerical simulations. Furthermore, the use of numerical relativity methods allows for the study of rotating star configurations and the “analogue gravity” that occurs in classic and quantum fluids in a Newtonian regime.
  • The “Interdisciplinary Complex Systems: Theoretical Physics Methods in Systems Biology” line of research deals with biological and medical issues through advanced techniques in theoretical physics. Thanks to the use of analytical methods in mathematical physics and numerical calculation tools, the following are investigated in particular:
    • Complex electro-mechanical dynamics at the base of cardiac arrhythmias.
    • Electro-chemical dynamics both of neurons in the pancreas and gut.
    • Biomechanics of soft tissues and muscles.
    • Tumor-proliferation dynamics.
    • Effects of temperature variations on biological systems.

Official site:

Start/End Date

2005 - 2014

Principal Investigator

Prof. Simonetta Filippi – Research Activities Coordinator.

Host Institution

International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network

Source of funding

International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network
