

I-KNEE: Classification and engineering of a hydraulic unit for the control of knee prosthetic articulation

Project objectives

The project has the final objective of defining guidelines for the design and development of innovative ankle-foot orthotics that allow for treatment of the foot drop issue, which often occurs after stroke. In the project’s initial phase, an in-depth study is carried out on the most commonly clinically prescribed commercial Ankle-Foot-Orthotics (AFO) brace types and on the effects of such devices on the user’s ambulation.

Particular effort is put on both cinematic, dynamic and balance effects of gait and on patient’s acceptance of the orthotics. The most suitable technologies for the cinematic and dynamic analysis of ambulation are carried out according to literature. The study of gait biomechanics of hemiplegic subjects with foot drop, while using commercial orthotics commonly prescribed by clinicians, allows for the definition of technical and functional specifications for the designing and building of the new AFO brace. It also allows for comparative analysis between the newly developed brace and commercial ones.

The chosen movement analysis system is a sterophotogrammetric system based on the use of 8 infrared video cameras and of reflective markers positioned on the lower limbs. Alongside it, there is a system of wireless EMG probes, to assess patient muscle activity.  

During the second year of the project, experimental tests and the analysis of ambulation test data are carried out. Thereafter, the technical and functional specifications necessary for brace designing are defined.

During the third and last year, the brace is designed and built by rapid prototyping techniques and is then experimentally validated by ambulation tests on hemiplegic patients. Based on those tests, it is compared with the other commercial braces that were initially analyzed.

Compared to the project proposal submitted in 2009, the projects objective was slightly revised because of the long time elapsed between proposal submission and project start and the higher incidence of foot drop issue with functional substitution of knee-ankle. Indeed, in this timespan previously proposed activity on the design of an active knee orthotic has progressed, thus making the project’s main motivation less relevant.

Therefore, the aim of the project was slightly revised by shifting attention on an issue, the foot drop, which has a strong social impact and significant collateral effects on knee articulation due to non-use and misuse of ankle-foot orthotics. The revised project is characterized by a strong technological and social impact, with exciting expectations for the potential users’ market. Furthermore, it mostly re-uses instruments and methods proposed in the initial knee-centered project.

Start/End Date

July 1, 2009 - July 1, 2012

Principal Investigator

Prof. Loredana Zollo - Scientific Tutor

Host Institution

  • Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering and Biomicrosystems
  • Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Complex Operative Unit (U.O.C.) of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Other Institutions involved

Protesi Ortopediche Romane s.n.c.

Source of funding

FILAS, art. 182 comma 4 letter c Regional Law 04/06 – PST, ITINERIS2
