

Daily at-home follow-up of PD patients motor performance through robotic and portable devices

Project objectives

The PDmeter project aims at setting up a novel mechatronic wearable system, the PDmeter, providing a reliable at-home assessment of motor performance in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients, allowing a better therapeutic approach and savings in healthcare expenses.

The cardinal motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) are slowed movements, resting tremor and muscle rigidity. As PD progresses motor fluctuations arise.  During the project, at first we will investigate which are the most informative parameters describing motor symptoms in PD patients and control subjects', through already available robotic platforms and magneto-inertial devices. Then, the PDmeter device, fulfilling criteria of small size and weight, low-cost, wearable and wireless technology, will be developed and clinically validated in 50 PD patients in parallel with clinical scales. Finally in a pilot study with a selected subgroup of patients with advanced PD, motor performances will be evaluated at home with the PDmeter, implemented by a highly technological mobile tele-monitoring tool.

Start/End Date

2014 - 2018

Principal Investigator

Giovanni Di Pino (Head of the Unit)
Domenico Formica

Host Institution

Casa di cura San Raffaele Pisana (P.I. Mario Tombini)

Other Institutions involved


Source of funding

Ministero della Salute, Bando per la Ricerca finalizzata Giovani Ricercatori


Euro: 492.088 (budget), 342.088 (funding)
