Project objectives
High-energy trauma, leading to ACL rupture, is often of such magnitude that the bone will be involved and will appear bruised and with bone bruise. The study will focus on the following endpoints:
Primary endpoint: clinical assessment of knee joint stability by Lachman test, anterior drawer test, and pivot shift test (performed by two operators for data reliability). Evaluation of stability in clinical tests and magnetic resonance visualization of the volume and location of bone edema.
Secondary endpoint: evaluation of patients' clinical data through score (IKDC), before and after reconstruction surgery.
Tertiary endpoint: correlation of joint stability before and after reconstruction surgery in relation to the volumetric extent of bone contusion. And magnetic resonance evaluation of the medium and long-term evolution of bone contusion lesions and of the corresponding articular surface.
Start and end date
2018 - 2020
Project managers
Dr. Francesco Franceschi
Dr. Edoardo Franceschetti
Dr. Alessio Palumbo
Dr. Michele Paciotti
Dr. Gian Mauro De Angelis D'Ossat
Dr. Angelo Baldari
Dr. Nicola Papapietro
Dr. Andrea Marinozzi
Coordinating institution of the project
Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma