- 02/07/2015 - Health newspaper
Here comes the sensorized and intelligent robotic hand. The Campus Biomedico presents it - 02/07/2015 - Agi.it
Health: project for new "smart" bionic hand implant underway - 19/12/2014 - Unicampus.it
Project UCBM-INAIL, game activity in the Prosthesis Center of Budrio - 02/04/2014 - Unicampus.it
Agreement signed today between Inail and Campus Bio-Medico for the development of a new generation of prostheses - 02/04/2014 - Passable INAIL
INAIL, new agreement for the development of upper limb prostheses - 02/04/2014 - Adnkronos
Research, Inail-Campus Biomedico agreement for sensitive bionic hand - 02/04/2014 - Health newspaper
Hand prosthesis. Agreement between Campus BioMedico of Rome and Inail to develop a new generation - 02/04/2014 - Italpress
INAIL signs an agreement with Campus Bio-Medico for bionic hand prostheses