Prospective non-pharmacological interventional study to evaluate plasma midostaurin values in patients with FLT3+ acute myeloid leukemia (SEIFEM-MIDO-TDM-2020 Study)
Fri Jan 1, 2021
Development and validation of an analytical method for the measurement in liquid mass spectrometry of the plasma concentrations of antiarrhythmic drugs amiodarone/desethylamiodarone and flecainide
Wed Jan 1, 2020
Development and validation of an analytical method for the measurement of plasma concentrations of neuroleptic drugs by liquid mass spectrometry
Wed Jan 1, 2020
Development and Validation of a new quantitative analytical method of ponatinib in human plasma and CSF using LC-MS/MS
Thu Mar 1, 2018
Development and validation of an analytical method for the measurement of plasma concentrations of Isavuconazole by liquid mass spectrometry
Mon Jan 1, 2018
Development and validation of an analytical method for the measurement of plasma concentrations of Irinotecan and the metabolite SN-38 by liquid mass spectrometry.
Sun Jan 1, 2017
Safety, tolerability and metabolic profile of a Polglumyt®-based drink in singoral administration to healthy volunteers under fasting conditions
Fri Jan 1, 2016
Development and validation of an analytical method in mass spectrometry for the measurement of plasma levels of tamoxifen and endoxifen in cancer patients. Ingengineering and marketing of ready-to-use analytical KIT dedicated to routine care.
Fri Jan 1, 2016