Alumni Network

The Alumni network is open to all those who have obtained a qualification from theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma as a meeting opportunity to experience together, even after the years of study, the spirit and principles of the University and to enrich oneself by sharing new experiences of professional life. Promotes one network of scientific collaboration, cultural exchange and human relations in Italy, Europe and the rest of the world. L'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma it needs its Alumni to promote its internationality, to spread its values ​​and style throughout the world.

What we do      

  • We have an group linkedin where you can:
    1) compare with other Alumni and network among professionals
    2) have access to scientific columns, professional opportunities and collaboration proposals
    3) participate in exclusive training events for the community
  • We have reserved one for Alumni 15% discount on full check-ups man and woman at our University Hospital
  • We have extended some to Alumni agreements with commercial and accommodation facilities of Rome and other Italian cities presenting theAlumni Card directly to the singoperating oils
  • Organize exclusive events especially during the Christmas and Easter holidays
  • We offer webinar to explore together current, educational and cultural issues
  • We promote a section dedicated to Alumni stories
  • We dedicate a space to Alumni in the quarterly Letters from the Campus

What do we wish to do

  • Professionalize the Alumni database by building a dedicated App
  • Involving students in the life of the Community through the implementation of joint activities
  • Ensure Alumni presence at events UCBM (Job Day, Research Day, Inauguration, Open Day, etc.)
  • Identify some Ambassadors among the Alumni with the aim of making the Community known and helping it in defining activities and strategies