What is a Chaplaincy?

The Chaplaincy is a community for meeting, for research, for sharing university experience and life paths in the light of the Faith, which promotes moments of prayer, solidarity activities, cultural study and in particular the integration of Faith, reason and culture. It is open to all: students, teachers, academic staff. His formative, spiritual, artistic initiatives, etc. they integrate, in the light of the Gospel, what the University proposes at an academic, cultural and social level.

What are the purposes of a university chaplaincy?

The main purposes are to help live the university experience in the light of the ideals of the Gospel, seeing in one's study and work a path of love for the truth, promotion of the common good and service to one's neighbour.

Does chaplaincy exist only in Catholic or Christian-inspired universities?

No. The chaplaincy is present in all Italian universities and beyond. In particular in Rome there is coordination of the activities of the chaplaincies which promotes some initiatives common to all universities. To consult the activities of the university chaplaincies of Rome click click here. For the complete list of chaplaincies click here.

THEUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Is it a Catholic University?

THEUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma it is a civil institution, open to all, without distinctions of religion or other types. At the same time, the University, which has a Christian identity, in consonance with the principles that inspire it, offers all those who work there, respecting the freedom of conscience, the possibility of deepening their knowledge of Christian doctrine. Doctrinal training and spiritual assistance are entrusted to the Prelature of Opus Dei.

Are the activities of the chaplaincy reserved only for believers?

No. The activities, both in the context of solidarity and in the spiritual and formative spheres, are open to everyone, even to those who profess other faiths or to those who are not believers.

Who are the priests of the chaplaincy?

Don Robin Weatherill
Via Álvaro del Portillo, 200 - 00128 Rome - Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital, floor 0
Phone 06.22541.9635
[email protected]

Don Luca Fantini
Via Álvaro del Portillo, 21 - 00128 Rome - Trapezio building, floor 1 (Chaplain's office, next to room T15)
Phone 06.22541.8110
[email protected]
Hours: during the day, also by making an appointment by e-mail

Don Victor Tambone
Via Álvaro del Portillo, 21 - 00128 Rome - PRABB building, floor -1 (office in front of room R3)
Phone 06.22541.1064
[email protected]

In addition, there are other priests who usually work at the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital and who mainly deal with the spiritual assistance of patients.

Where is the Chapel?

On the university campus there are various chapels that are always open. In particular, the one dedicated to activities for students and university staff is located on floor 0 of the PRABB. The entrance is on the right of the hall when entering from the main courtyard. In any case, that of the University Hospital is also always available, which can be reached by following the indications in the Hall.