"Campus Spring"

THEUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma makes a service available to its employees asylum for children from 3 months to 6 years. Since 1 September 2016, the nursery center has been active in a new one structure tTotally anti-seismic and eco-sustainable and energy class A4 with almost zero energy consumption. The new pole can accommodate up to 190 children and it is overall the largest structure in Rome for offering this type of service. Made to accommodate the children of employees of UCBM, is also open to families in the city area. The facility is designed to offer a concrete response to the need for work-life balance: for this reason, it will be open 12 months a year with flexible schedule pm at 7 19.30.

The internal area, set up with bio-furnishings and innovative play-educational materials, is distributed over a single floor of 1.780 sq m, to allow access to the outdoor garden even for the youngest children. It hosts six environments for the nursery and three classes dedicated to children of the nursery school (3-6 years), which will be bilingeu. The garden exterior, which extends for approx 2.400 m², is equipped with didactic garden and is surrounded by shrub species and beyond 200 trees, especially pines and eucalyptus, of the nearby Decima Malafede Natural Park. Another 2.600 square meters of space are used for vehicle access routes and for the approximately 50 available parking spaces.

The facility makes use of educational programs developed by experts ofAssociation of Families for Education and Culture CEFA. The primary purpose of CEFA is to promote culture and education that sees the family as the most relevant social subject. For this reason, the founding families have decided to promote schools in which their children are educated in line with the values ​​lived in the family and where the parents themselves can receive the most appropriate training to carry out their role adequately. CEFA is associated with FAES, a non-profit organization whose name means "Family AND School". The FAES educational system is based on the educational alliance between the family and the school and on the personalized education that takes place through the tutorial system.

Strategic partners of the project are Legambiente ONLUS, Lignius, the IX-EUR Municipality of Roma Capitale, the Wolf Haus company and RomaNatura, co-signatories together with UCBM of 'Eco-sustainability charter for school buildings and childcare services'. The memorandum of understanding signed in November 2015 will promote the diffusion of the green building,energy efficiency and  safety for school buildings and constitutes an innovative laboratory of environmental and social sustainability also oriented towards the training and promotion of correct lifestyles in the new generations.