IT platforms

THEUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma provides two IT platforms useful for both teaching and administrative purposes: They3 e Moodle.


It is the portal of the Student Secretariat. The "Didactics" section is public and accessible to all and contains information relating to the educational offer, the list of teaching courses, the degree classes, the exam calendar. Teachers and students can register and access the functions relating to personal data, enrollments, appeals, booklet, career analysis, transfers, certificates and matriculation. To access the Teaching Area click here.


Acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, is an IT platform that provides students and teachers with innovative learning tools and paths. It allows the exchange of teaching material between teachers and students, the in-depth study of topics covered during the courses, the verification of the level of preparation for exams, the holding of interactive lessons, the possibility of sharing information and interacting on the forums. Students can download course notes and slides and use advanced features such as quizzes, guided lessons, assignments, wikis, surveys and many other tools to practice for exams. It is also possible to access a series of services, such as a multimedia laboratory, library and degree course secretariats, where staff will be able to publish and make relevant material and information available for students.