A.Y. 2022/2023

Call for Applications - PHD-AI.IT
(Health and Life Science) - 38th Cycle

Application open:


We inform that, on the basis of the Rector’s Decree no. 279 dated July 28th 2022 (published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic no.62 on August 5st, 2022 and on the webpage “Selection Procedures” of the University website), the public selection is announced, based on qualifications and interview, for admission to the National Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence (Health and Life Sciences), for which the curricula, duration, total places and available scholarships are indicated in Annex A.

Call for Applications

RD 279/2022

Annex A

Download pdf

Date of publication

August 5, 2022 -  12.00 pm

Applications for admission

Applications must be submitted EXCLUSIVELY online
Acces the system

Amendment of Decree DR 304 del 23/08/2022 (published August 25, 2022)
We inform you that, with reference to the selection based on qualifications and interview for admission to the National PhD course in Artificial Intelligence XXXVIII cycle, referred to in the Rector's Decree no. 279 of July 28, 2022, based on the provisions of paragraph 4 of art. 9, scholarships available are increased by n. 3 additional National PhD scholarships in Artificial Intelligence (Health and Life Sciences Area).

DR 305/2022

Applications Deadline

September 5, 2022 - 12.00 pm

Description We inform you that, with reference to the selection based on qualifications and interview for admission to the National PhD course in Artificial Intelligence XXXVIII cycle, referred to in the Rector's Decree no. 279 of July 28, 2022, based on the provisions of paragraph 4 of art. 9, scholarships available are increased by n. 7 additional National PhD scholarships in Artificial Intelligence (Health and Life Sciences Area).

DR 317/2022

Description We inform you that, with reference to the selection based on qualifications and interview for admission to the National PhD course in Artificial Intelligence XXXVIII cycle, referred to in the Rector's Decree no. 279 of July 28, 2022, based on the provisions of paragraph 4 of art. 9, scholarships available are increased by n. 1 additional National PhD scholarship in Artificial Intelligence (Health and Life Sciences Area).

DR 330/2022

Candidates admitted to the interview Download the file (published on September 30, 2022)
Date of the interview October 7 th, 2022 at 8:00 am CET (surname A-K): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZmIwYTNmZWItODNlNi00NjVlLThlNDktNjY1ZWM0NDNkZGE2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226008a466-8746-4d57-b5df-1425d8c85cf5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22dcef146f-9a5c-48b1-b7bd-47b933d6a216%22%7d

October 14th, 2022 at 9:30 am CET (Candidates from letter L to letter Z, plus any candidates from letter A to letter K whom the Commission was unable to interview on the 1st previous day): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWE1N2YyYmItYzkyMC00MmY4LWE4NTktNDE3ZWRkMWVlMGFi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226008a466-8746-4d57-b5df-1425d8c85cf5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22dcef146f-9a5c-48b1-b7bd-47b933d6a216%22%7d

The interview will take place according to the calendar which will be published on the following link: https://www.unicampus.it/en/info/application-for-admission/call-for-applications-phd-ai-it-health-and-life-science-38th-cycle

Candidates will not be directly notified and will not receive any further personal communications.

The list of candidates admitted to the interview will be published at least 5 days before the examination on the following link: https://www.unicampus.it/en/info/application-for-admission/call-for-applications-phd-ai-it-health-and-life-science-38th-cycle

Candidates admitted to the interview /
Evaluation Committee Phd AI DR 335/2022
Deed of approval and ranking order Download pdf (published on October 18, 2022)

>> Enrollment Guidelines

This is to inform you that, due to malfunction, the deadline for the enrolment is postponed to 27th October 2022.

>> Application for enrollment