
Clemente Lauretti


Clemente Lauretti is currently Assistant Professor of Bioengineering (RTD-a) at the Unit of Advanced Robotics and Human-centred Technologies (Creo Lab) - Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome (UCBM).

His research interests are mainly in the field of rehabilitation and assistive robotics, robotic surgery, agricultural robotics and robotics for hazardous environments. His activities are focused on the following topics: human-robot Interaction, multimodal interfaces for robot control, machine learning techniques for robot path-planning and control, computer vision for robotics, bio-cooperative control systems and sensor data processing and fusion.



January 2022 – Present – Assistant Professor of Bioengineering Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Via Alvaro del Portillo 21, 00128 - Roma, Italy

November 2019 – January 2022 R&D Robotics System Engineer, EniProgetti - Uffici di Venezia-Marghera, Via delle Industrie, 39, 30175 Venezia Marghera, Italy

November 2018 – October 2019 Post-Doctoral research fellow, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Via Alvaro del Portillo 21, 00128 - Roma, Italy

February – July 2018 Internship at PAL Robotics S.L. C/ Pujades 77-79, 7-7 Barcelona, Spain

April – October 2015 Internship at “INAIL Centro Protesi”, via Rabuina, 14 - Vigorso di Budrio, (Bo) – Italy


November 2015 - May 2019 PhD degree in Bio-Engineering, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Via Alvaro del Portillo 21, 00128 - Roma, Italy

November 2013 – October 2015 Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (110/110 cum Laude), Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Via Alvaro del Portillo 21, 00128 - Roma, Italy

November 2010 – December 2013 Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering (110/110 cum Laude), Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Via Alvaro del Portillo 21, 00128 - Roma, Italy


a. y. 2022/2023 Lecturer of “Mechatronics for Biomedical systems”, Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (6 out of 18 ECTS), Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy

a. y. 2018/2019 Tutor/Teaching Assistance of ”Medical and Industrial Robotics”, Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome

a. y. 2017/2018 Tutor/Teaching Assistance of ”Medical and Industrial Robotics”, Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome


Best Paper Award at the ”MED Energy Conference” (Ravenna 2021)

Third prize at the “First Robotics Made in Italy Video Contest” IEEE Robotics Automation Society Italian Chapter (2017)



*Lauretti, C., Grasso, T., de Marchi, E., Grazioso, S., & di Gironimo, G. (2022). "A Geometric Approach to Inverse Kinematics of Hyper-Redundant Manipulators for tokamaks maintenance" Mechanism and Machine Theory, 176, 104967.

*Tamantini C, Cordella F, Lauretti C and Zollo L, (2021) ”The WGD – A Dataset of Working Gestures for Ergonomic Analysis and Work-Related Injuries Prevention”, Sensors

*R. A. Romeo, C. Lauretti, C. Gentile, E. Guglielmelli and L. Zollo, (2021) ”Method for Automatic Slippage Detection With Tactile Sensors Embedded in Prosthetic Hands,” in IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol.3, no. 2, pp.485-497, May 2021, doi:10.1109/TMRB.2021.3060032.

*Nann, M., Cordella, F., Trigili, E., Lauretti, C., Bravi, M., Miccinilli, S., ...Soekadar, S. R. (2020). Restoring activities of daily living using an EEG/EOG-controlled semiautonomous and mobile whole-arm exoskeleton in chronic stroke. IEEE Systems Journal, 15(2), 2314-2321.

*di Luzio, F. S., Lauretti, C., Cordella, F., Draicchio, F., Zollo, L. (2020). Visual vs vibrotactile feedback for posture assessment during upper-limb robot-aided rehabilitation. Applied ergonomics, 82, 102950.

*Lauretti C., Cordella F., Tamantini C., Gentile C., di Luzio F. S. and Zollo L.,(2020) ”A Surgeon-Robot Shared Control for Ergonomic Pedicle Screw Fixation,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 2554-2561, April 2020.

*Lauretti, C., Cordella, F., Zollo, L. (2019). A Hybrid Joint/Cartesian DMP-Based Approach for Obstacle Avoidance of Anthropomorphic Assistive Robots. International Journal of Social Robotics, 11(5), 783-796.

*Lauretti C., Cordella F., Ciancio A. L., Trigili E., Catalan J. M., Badesa F J, Crea S., Pagliara S. M., Sterzi S., Vitiello N., Garcia N., and Zollo L.(2017) “Learning-by-demonstration for motion planning of upper-limb exoskeletons” Frontiers in Neurorobotics,

*Lauretti, C., Cordella F, Guglielmelli E. and Zollo L. (2017)“Learning by Demonstration for planning activities of daily living in rehabilitation and assistive robotics.” Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(3), 1375-1382, 2017


*Lauretti C, Cordella F, Zollo L, Larizza P, ”Apparato e metodo di controllo di un manipolatore robotico”, N. IT202000001900A1 (2020)

I suoi ruoli nell'Università
