
Francesca Cordella

Ricercatore a tempo determinato (L 230/2)


Francesca Cordella is currently Assistant Professor with Tenure Track (RTDb) at the Unit of Advanced Robotics and Human-centred Technologies (CREO Lab) of Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. She received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. in Computer and Automation Engineering both from the University of Naples Federico II. In 2011, she was visiting student at the Institut fur Robotik und Mechatronik, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). Until June 2013 she has been Assistant Researcher at the University of Naples Federico II. From 2013 to 2018 she was Assistant Researcher and from November 2018 she is Assistant Professor both in the CREO Lab. She has obtained the National Scientific Qualification for 2nd level Professor in the competition sector 09/G2.

Her research interests are mainly in the field of biomechanics, biomedical robotics, human-machine multimodal interfaces, adaptive control strategies for collaborative robotics, vision-based approaches for motion reconstruction and human-robot interaction, psychophysiological assessment, closed loop systems, sensory feedback restoration.

She is member of the Technical Program Committee and Associate Editor for several International Conferences and Workshops. She is Guest Editor of several journals and Associate editor for the journal Applied Bionics and Biomechanics.

Since 2015 she is an expert and reviewer for the European Commission within H2020- ICT research program.

She was and is involved in the role of Co-Principal Investigator, Project Manager and scientific manager of Work Package for more than 20 European and national projects in her fields of interest.

She has authored/coauthored more than 60 peer-reviewed publications appeared in international journals, books and conference proceedings.



2008-2011: Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Automation Engineering, received by the University of Naples Federico II

2008: State certification in order to practice as an engineer

a.a. 2006-2007: Electronic Engineering degree at the University of Naples Federico II


November 2018 - November 2021: Assistant Professor (RTDA) at Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Research Unit of Advanced Robotics and Human-centred Technologies

November 2013 - November 2018: Assistant Researcher at Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome

2017: Expert Reviewer of European Projects Horizon H2020 for the European Commission in the framework of Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age.

2015: Expert Reviewer of European Projects Horizon H2020 for the European Commission in the framework of ICT for active and healthy ageing.

October 2013: Collaboration contract for research activities with the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome

2012 - 2013: Collaboration contract for research activities with the Department of Electric Engineering and Information Technologies of the University of Naples Federico II

January 2011- July 2011: Visiting student at the Institut fur Robotik und Mechatronik, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Wessling, Germany.

March 2008 - September 2008: Collaboration contract with the Department of Computer Science and Automation of the University of Naples Federico II


From 2008 Francesca Cordella is member of the IEEE, of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, of the International Consortium On Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), of the IEEE/RAS Technical Committee (TC) on Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics, and of the Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC). She is founder member of the National Group of Bioengineering (GNB) and of the Istituto di Robotica e Macchine Intelligenti (I-RIM).


2020 – 2022: Teacher of the course “Bioengineering and Biomechanics of the human motion” (2nd year, MSc in Biomedical Engineering, 6 CFU)

2019 – 2022: Teacher of the course “Applied Biomechanics” (3rd year, BSc in Industrial Engineering, 6 CFU)

2019 – 2020: Teaching assistant for the course “Laboratory of Bioengineering” (3rd year, BSc in Industrial Engineering, 6 CFU)

2019 – 2020: Teaching assistant for the course “Industrial and Medical Robotics” (1st year, MSc in Biomedical Engineering, 15 CFU)

2018 – 2019: Teacher of the course “Laboratory of Bioengineering” (3rd year, BSc in Industrial Engineering, 6 CFU)

2016 – 2019: Teaching assistant for the course “Medical and Industrial Robotics” (1st year, MSc in Biomedical Engineering, 15 CFU)

2017 – 2018: Teaching assistant for the course “Laboratory of Bioengineering” (3rd year, BSc in Industrial Engineering, 6 CFU)

2014 – 2016: Teaching assistant for the course “Biomedical Robotics” (1st year, MSc in Biomedical Engineering, 12 CFU)


2017: Third place at the IEEE Robotics and Automation video contest - Italian Chapter with the video entitled ``Playing piano by demonstration". Authors: C. Lauretti, F. Cordella, D. Simonetti

2020: Winner of the Premio Qualità 2020, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome with a project on the improvement in the field of quality and clinical risk. Authors: C. Tamantini, F. Scotto di Luzio, F. Cordella, G. Pascarella, F. Agró, L. Zollo


Lauretti C, Cordella F, Zollo L, Larizza P, Apparato e metodo di controllo di un manipolatore robotico, N. IT202000001900A1 (2020)



– Scarpelli A, Stefano M, Cordella F, Zollo L, Evaluation of the effects of focused ultrasound stimulation on the central nervous system through a multiscale simulation approach, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2022

– Lapresa M, Zollo L, Cordella F, A user-friendly automatic toolbox for hand kinematic analysis, clinical assessment and postural synergies extraction, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2022

– Bressi F, ..., Cordella F, et al, Robotic-Assisted Hand Therapy with Gloreha Sinfonia for the Improvement of Hand Function after Pediatric Stroke: A Case Report, Applied Sciences 2022

– Albanesi B,..., Cordella F et al, Interventions to prevent and reduce work-related musculoskeletal injuries and pain among healthcare professionals. A comprehensive systematic review of the literature, Journal of Safety Research 2022

– Scotto di Luzio F, Cordella F, et al, Modification of Hand Muscular Synergies in Stroke Patients after Robot-Aided Rehabilitation", Applied Sciences 2022

– Gentile C, Cordella F, Zollo L, Hierarchical Human-Inspired Control Strategies for Prosthetic Hands, Sensors 2022

– Leone F, Gentile C, Cordella F, et al, A parallel classification strategy to simultaneous control elbow, wrist, and hand movements, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2022

– Tamantini C, Cordella F, et al, The WGD – A Dataset of Assembly Line Working Gestures for Ergonomic Analysis and Work-Related Injuries Prevention, Sensors 2021

– Falcone T, Cordella F, et al, Real-time human core temperature estimation methods and their application in the occupational field: a systematic review, Measurements: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 2021

– Mereu F, …, Cordella F, et al, Control strategies and performance assessment of upper-limb tmr prostheses: A review, Sensors 2021

– Tamantini C, Scotto di Luzio F, Cordella F, et al, A robotic healthcare assistant for the COVID-19 Emergency, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 2021

– Stefano M, Cordella F, et al, A multiscale approach to axon and nerve stimulation modeling: A review, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2021

– Nann M, Cordella F, et al, Restoring Activities of Daily Living Using an EEG/EOG-Controlled Semiautonomous and Mobile Whole-Arm Exoskeleton in Chronic Stroke, IEEE Systems Journal 2020

– Gentile C, Cordella F, et al, Touch-and-Slippage Detection Algorithm for Prosthetic Hands, Mechatronics 2020

– Lauretti C, Cordella F, et al, A Surgeon-Robot Shared Control for Ergonomic Pedicle Screw Fixation, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2020

– Scotto di Luzio F, Lauretti C, Cordella F, et al, Visual vs Vibrotactile Feedback for Posture Assessment during Upper-Limb Robot-Aided Rehabilitation, Applied Ergonomics 2020

– Badesa FJ, …, Cordella F, et al, Physiological responses during hybrid BNCI control of an upper-limb exoskeleton, Sensors 2019

– Lauretti C, Cordella F, Zollo L, A hybrid Joint/Cartesian DMP-based approach for obstacle avoidance of anthropomorphic assistive robots, International Journal of Social Robotics 2019

– Zollo L, …, Cordella F, et al, Restoring tactile sensations via neural interfaces for real-time force-and-slippage closed-loop control of bionic hands, Science Robotics 2019

– Scotto di Luzio F, Simonetti D, Cordella F, et al, Bio-Cooperative Approach for the Human-in-the-Loop Control of an End-Effector Rehabilitation Robot, Frontiers in Neurorobotics 2018

– Crea S, …, Cordella F, et al, Feasibility and safety of shared EEG/EOG and vision-guided autonomous whole-arm exoskeleton control to perform activities of daily living, Scientific Reports 2018

– Lauretti C, Cordella F, et al, Learning-by-demonstration for motion planning of upper-limb exoskeletons, Frontiers in NeuroRobotics 2018

I suoi ruoli nell'Università
