
Incoming Exchange Students

Cari studenti internazionali!

Benvenuti e grazie per aver scelto l'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (UCBM) come vostra destinazione di mobilità. Questa pagina web è dedicata agli studenti internazionali che vivranno un periodo temporaneo di studio in UCBM come studenti in mobilità. Le nostre facoltà coprono questi campi di studio:

Medicina e Chirurgia, Ingegneria e Scienze e Tecnologie per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile e One-Health.

Speriamo che questa pagina possa aiutarvi ad organizzare la vostra trasferta e che possa farvi sentire più sicuri.

Vi auguriamo un'incredibile esperienza a Roma, presso UCBM.

Virtual Tour: UCBM 360 (

>> Welcome Guide

>> Guida alla prenotazione degli esami

Scambio Erasmus

  1. La tua università deve inviare la nomination all’ufficio relazioni internazionali UCBM. Le nomination possono pervenire solo digitalmente – tramite apposito form.
  2. Dopo che la tua università ha inviato la nomination, ti sarà inviato un link per compilare l’online application form. Non sarà necessario produrre alcuna documentazione cartacea.
  3. Successivamente alla ricezione dell’application form compilato, insieme agli allegati obbligatori, riceverai una comunicazione di accettazione da parte dell’Ufficio relazioni internazionali UCBM.

>> Info & Scadenze del programma Erasmus+

>> Nomination form (solo per le Istituzioni Erasmus+ Partner)

>> Application form (solo per gli studenti nominati)

Scambio Volontariato

Se sei uno studente che vuole frequentare in UCBM un periodo di Internship o Traineeship – senza aver ricevuto la nomination da parte della propria università, puoi compilare il form al link:

L’Ufficio relazioni internazionali ti invierà un feedback appena sarà possibile avere una conferma di disponibilità da parte della Facoltà di interesse.

Materie in lingua inglese

Le materie in UCBM sono insegnate sia in lingua italiana, sia in lingua inglese. L’elenco delle materie per ogni specifico corso di laurea può essere trovato al link: Training offer - UCBM (

Fine della mobilità

Prima della fine della mobilità gli studenti devono consegnare all’ufficio Relazioni Internazionali:

  • Il badge universitario
  • Il libretto dei Tirocini eventuale

Successivamente, l’ufficio Relazioni Internazionali UCBM produrrà:

  • Il certificato di presenza
  • l transcript of records

Corso di lingua italiana

UCBM offre un corso di lingua italiana gratuita – se sei interessato a prenderne parte, devi inviare un'email a [email protected] – indicando nell'oggetto "Italian Class".

Assicurazione sanitaria

Tutti gli studenti europei possono utilizzare la loro European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) durante la mobilità.

Studenti non Europei:

Tutti gli studenti non europei sono obbligati ad ottenere una polizza assicurativa prima dell’arrivo in Italia.


Se hai bisogno di un visto per soggiornare in Italia, controlla i requisiti al link: Il visto per l'Italia (

Dear exchange students!

Hello, and thank you for considering Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (UCBM) as the host for your student exchange. This webpage has been especially designed for international students who intend to temporarily study at UCBM in an exchange programme. The faculties  cover these fields of study:

Medicine and Surgery, Engineering, Science and Technology for Suistanable Development and One Health.

We hope that this webpage will help to make your stay at the university both fruitful and enjoyable.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Rome at UCBM.

Virtual Tour: UCBM 360 (

>> Welcome Guide

>> Guida alla prenotazione degli esami

Erasmus Exchange:

  1. Your home university should first nominate you to the Office of International Relations of UCBM. The nominations should be sent through the dedicated form.
  2. After your home university has nominated you to study at UCBM as an exchange student, you should fill in the online application form. There is no need to send a paper copy of the application.
  3. At the end of the online application – together with the submission of all the mandatory docs, you will receive the acceptance communication from the Erasmus+ office.

> Info & Deadlines regarding the Erasmus+ program at UCBM
> Nomination form (only for Institutions)
> Application form (only for students)

Voluntary Exchange

If you are a student who wish to come to UCBM for Internship/Traineeship purposes, without the nomination from your home Institution, you can fill the Voluntary Mobility form:

The International Relations Office will reply to you as soon as the Faculty confirms the availability to host you.

Subjects in English

UCBM subjects are taught both in English and Italian language. You can check them by reading the syllabus of each Degree you find here  Training offer - UCBM (

End of the mobility

Before the end of the mobility period, incoming students must bring to the International Relations Office of Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma:

  • the university identification card (badge)
  • the certificates of attendance of the internships carried out, signed by the area manager

The International Relations Office, after receiving these documents, will produce:

  • Certificate of attendance: the arrival and departure dates indicated in the certificate will respectively be the date of registration at the Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma  and the date on which the student will report to the International Relations Office for its release.
  • Transcripts of Records: certification of exams taken and internships attended at Campus Bio-Medico with indication of ETCS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). If not immediately available, the Transcript of Records will be sent later.

The Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma will only issue these certificates in the format approved by the University bodies. Students must present themselves in person during office hours and will not be allowed to delegate others on their behalf.


Student Accommodation - UCBM (

Language Courses

UCBM provides free Italian language course to all the international students participating in any exchange in the university. If you want to get more information and if you want to register, please send an email to [email protected] - please include "Italian Class" in the subject heading.

Medical Insurance:


All European Erasmus students should travel to Italy with their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

The European Health Insurance Card, replacing paper forms such as the E111, gives access to immediate necessary care under the same conditions as for Italian nationals.

Students can address one of the available practitioners (so called Medico di Base) at her/his choice (maybe privileging the one who is closer to her/his domicile) indicated in the website of the local Azienda Sanitaria -ASL (Health district of the province of Rome). No fee should be applied by the practitioner while, in case of subsequent appointed specialist visits/blood test etc….  a fee could be applied (to the same conditions as for Italian nationals) . Anyway more information on How you can use your EHIC card can be found on the website of the European Health Insurance card , which we recommend you read carefully before leaving your residence Country. European Health Insurance Card - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission (


Students coming from non-EU countries are strongly recommended to get hold of an insurance policy certified, translated by the Italian Diplomatic Representative abroad: in order to get the Residence Permit they are in fact required to have an Health Insurance for the entire duration of their stay in Italy.

Foreign students coming from the EU member countries and the countries of the European economic region should have the E 128 form, E 111 form or E-card. The document type depends on the authorized insurance agency of the country of their origin. Namely, the students should contact the authorized insurance agency, where they have been insured, and ask for one of the above-mentioned forms. Students should have appropriate insurance coverage (also for accidents and liability) when coming to Italy.


If you need Visa to study or practice in Italy, please fill the form with your data and find out which are the requirements: Il visto per l'Italia (

