
Francesco Cappa

Ricercatore a tempo determinato (L 230/2)


Assistant Professor of Innovation, with tenure track, at the Campus Bio-Medico University (Rome, Italy). He has been a visiting researcher at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering (New York, USA) and Pace University Seidenberg School of Computer Science (New York, USA). His main research interests are in the areas of innovation and sustainability. His papers have appeared in prestigious international refereed journal as Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, British Journal of Management and Small Business Economics among others. He is Associate Editor of Finance Research Letters (Elsevier), and in the Editorial Board of Journal of Knowledge Management (Emerald), Environmental Challenges (Elsevier), and Digital Business (Elsevier).



2011 - Master Degree of Science in “Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Production track” (110 cum laude/110) at the "Sapienza" University of Rome.

2011 - Passed the qualifying examination for the Industrial Engineers registry in Italy.

2013 - Master Degree of Science in “General Management” in English (110/110 with honors) at the LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome.

2015 - Advanced Certificate in “Software Engineering” (4.0/4.0 GPA) at Pace University, New York City (US).

2015 - Master Degree of Science in “Industrial Engineering” (4.00/4.00 GPA) at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering, New York City (USA).

2013 - Winner of a position, with scholarship, in the Doctorate Program in “Management” at the University LUISS "Guido Carli" in Rome.

2018 - Ph.D. in “Management” with Excellent valuation at LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome.


From 2021 Assistant Professor with tenure track in Engineering Management at Campus Bio-medico University of Rome, Italy

2018-2021 Research fellow position at LUISS Guido Carli University Department of Business and Management with the project entitled “Crowd-based projects: How to involve people and how they bring value to companies”.

2018 Visiting research scholar at the Pace University, NYC USA.

2019 Visiting research scholar at the Pace University, NYC USA.

2013-2016 Visiting research scholar at the New York University, NYC USA.

2015-2016 Visiting research scholar at the Pace University, NYC USA.

2019 Invited lecturer at the International World Heritage Studies course titled “Urban resilience in a changing world: energy, safety and wellbeing challenges” held at the New York University, NYC USA.

2013-2017 Research fellow in ING-IND/35 at University of Tuscia Dipartimento Economia e Impresa, Viterbo. Research project titled “Social and technological innovation”.

BIBLIOMETRIC STATISTICS (from Scopus updated at October 2022)

1. Number of publications: 33

2. Number of citations: 639

3. H-Index: 15


1. Cappa, F., Oriani, R., Pinelli, M., and De Massis, A. (2019): "When does crowdsourcing benefit firm stock market performance" Research Policy 48: 103825.

2. Cappa, F., Cetrini, G., and Oriani, R. (2019). “The Impact of Corporate Strategy on Capital Structure: Evidence from Italian Listed Firms”. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 76, 379-385.

3. Franco, S., Caroli, M., Cappa, F., & Del Chiappa, G. (2019). “Are You Good Enough? CSR, Quality Management and Corporate Financial Performance in the Hospitality Industry”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 88,102395.

4. Cappa F., Rosso F., and Capaldo A. (2020), “Visitors-sensing: The involvement of crowds in cultural organizations”, Sustainability 12.4: 1445.

5. Cappa, F., Rosso, F., Giustiniano, L., & Porfiri, M. (2020). Nudging and citizen science: The effectiveness of feedback in energy-demand management. Journal of Environmental Management, 269, 110759.

6. Cappa F., Oriani R., Peruffo E. and McCarthy I. (2021): “Big Data, a Valuable Resource in the Digitalized Environment? Unpacking the Effects of Volume, Variety and Veracity on Firm Performance”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38 (1), 49-67.

7. Cappa, F. and Pinelli, M. (2021). Collecting Money through Blockchain Technologies: First Insights on the Determinants of the Return on Initial Coin Offerings. Information Technology for Development, 27 (3), 561-578.

8. Cappa F., Pinelli M., Maiolini R., and Leone I. (2021): ““Pledge” me your ears! The role of narratives and narrator experience in explaining crowdfunding success”, Small Business Economics 57(2), 953-973.

9. Cappa F., Franco S., Ferrucci S. and Maiolini R. (2021), “The Impact of Product and Reward Types in Reward-Based Crowdfunding Fund Raising”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, In press.

10. Cappa, F., Franco, S., & Rosso, F. (2022). “Citizens and cities: Leveraging citizen science and big data for sustainable urban development”. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31 (2), 648-667.

11. Fasano, F., & Cappa, F. (2022). “How do banking fintech services affect SME debt?” Journal of Economics and Business, 106070, 121, 1-12.

12. La Rocca, M., Fasano, F., Cappa, F., & Neha, N. (2022). “The relationship between political connections and firm performance: An empirical analysis in Europe.” Finance Research Letters, 49, 103157.

13. Pinelli, M., Cappa, F., Franco, S., Peruffo, E., & Oriani, R. (2022). Too Much of Two Good Things: Effects of Founders’ Educational Level and Heterogeneity on Start-Up Funds Raised. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69 (4), 1-15.

14. Pinelli, M., Cappa, F., Peruffo, E., & Oriani, R. (2022). Acquisitions of non-controlling equity stakes: Agency conflicts and profitability. Strategic Organization, 20 (2), 341-367.

15. D'Angelo, V., Cappa, F., & Peuffo, E. (2022). “Green manufacturing for sustainable development: The positive effects of green activities, green investments, and non‐green products on economic performance.” Business Strategy and the Environment, In Press.

16. Morea, D., Fortunati, S., Cappa, F., & Oriani, R. (2022). “Corporate Social Responsibility as a Catalyst of Circular Economy? A Case Study Perspective in Agri-food.” Journal of Knowledge Management, In Press.

17. Cappa, F., Collevecchio, F., Oriani, R., & Peruffo, E. (2022). Banks responding to the digital surge through Open Innovation: Stock market performance effects of M&As with fintech firms. Journal of Economics and Business, 121, 106079.

18. Cappa, F. (2022). “Big data from customers and non-customers through crowdsourcing, citizen science and crowdfunding”. Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(11), 308-323.

I suoi ruoli nell'Università
