Selection notice for the awarding of n. 1 post-graduate scholarship for research activities, pursuant to art. 18, paragraph 5, letter f) of Law 30 December 2010, n. 240, Scientific-Disciplinary Sector ING-INF/05 – Information Processing Systems, at the facilities of the Integrated Research Center (CIR) and the Processing Systems and Bioinformatics Research Unit of theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (competition code: BRS/04_23).

TitlePost-graduate scholarship art. 18, paragraph 5, letter f) of Law 30.12.2010, n. 240
DescriptionWe inform you that, with Rectoral Decree n. 528 of 28 July 2023, published on the Competitions page of this same site, no. 1 selective procedure for the assignment of n. 1 post-graduate scholarship for research activity for the Scientific-Disciplinary Sector indicated below
Scientific Disciplinary SectorING-INF/05 – Information Processing Systems

Research Units
Processing Systems and Bioinformatics
Available places
Call for Admission is validDR 528 dated 28 July 2023
Annex ADownload pdf
Date of publication10 August 2023, 12.00 pm
Applications for admissionNB: Applications must be submitted EXCLUSIVELY by electronic procedure.
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Application Deadline25 August 2023, 12.00 pm
Deed of the appointment Selection BoardDownload pdf (Published on August 28, 2023)
Criteria minutes Download pdf (Published on August 29, 2023)
Date and venue of the interview7th September 2023, at 05:30 pm pm
Remote candidates on Microsoft Teams platform.
Final minutesDownload pdf
Deed of approvalDownload pdf (Published on September 11, 2023)