Orientation in academic and professional life
The objectives of the tutoring dell 'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma they fit into a very broad framework, in coherence with the philosophy that the educational task is always "a service to the person as a whole" and that teaching and learning experiences require a space dedicated to personal orientation. All this in order to guarantee each student personalized training that allows the expression of all her potential, both on a human and professional level.
In this perspective UCBM, in addition to the disciplinary tutor and the clinical tutor, offers its students a service of personal tutoring in ingongoing, ongoing and outgoing through scheduled and on-demand individual interviews, as well as specific group initiatives. The personal tutors are teachers from the three Departmental Faculties, doctors, ingengineers, nurses, technicians, specialists, researchers, doctoral students and students of recent years. They are identified every year by the Departmental Faculty Councils through the tutoring coordinators of the singoils Degree Courses. The role of the personal tutor lasts one year.
The personal tutor
The personal tutor guides the student to identify the resources and potential at his/her disposal to develop his/her own learning skills, to manage any difficulties and to take active responsibility. He/She follows him/her and helps him/her to face different stages of his/her university career, framing them in a broader motivational and value-based context:
- inclusion in the life of the University;
- the use of time, work organization and learning methodologies;
- exam planning and self-assessment of the results achieved;
- motivation, self-efficacy and relationship with teachers;
- educational and learning goals
In this sense, the personal tutoring relationship, in addition to providing operational strategies, is also an opportunity for dialogue to deepen self-knowledge, understood as a personal style, with respect to the course of study and professional future.
The tutor provides the students with professional guidance for an effective entry into the world of work, in relation to their personal skills and attitudes. In particular, He/She promotes the development of soft skills (self-awareness, critical sense, effective communication, decision-making ability and problem solving), which allow students to operate with competence both on an individual level and on a social and professional level.
The discipline tutor
Work closely with the teacher, to help him organize and manage the course, taking into consideration the needs of the students and intervening on problem solving aspects.ing relating to the deepening of the discipline. It thus acts as a privileged interlocutor for students in the constant effort to encourage dialogue and learning processes.
The clinical tutor
It facilitates the student of the courses of study in Medicine and Health Professions in learning clinical practice, allowing him to integrate the notions with the clinical approach to the patient. It also carries out the role of supervisor of learning during the internship period within its operational reality.