
Academic Council

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Prof. Eugenio Guglielmelli

Full Professor of BioingIndustrial engineering. Since 2021 he has been Coordinator of the national Doctorate course on Artificial Intelligence for Health and Life Sciences. Since 2021 he has been the National Representative of Italy in the Horizon Europe - Cluster Health Program Committee and since April 2022 he has been a member of the Italian delegation of the G7 - Science working group. Since 2021 he has been Scientific Director of the IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus. From 2013 to 2022 he was Pro-Rector for Research UCBM.

Prof.ssa Laura De Gara
Vice Rector of Education and Vicar

Full Professor of Plant Physiology. President of the Italian Society of Plant Biology and Secretary General of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology. You contributed to the creation of the Departmental Faculty of Science and Technology for Man and the Environment (in 2023 it was renamed Departmental Faculty of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development and One Health), of which, from 2019 to 2022, you were Principal. You are President of the Master's Degree Course in Food and Human Nutrition Sciences.

Prof.ssa Simonetta Filippi
Vice Rector for Integrated Academic Development

Full Professor of Theoretical Physics. Since 2008 he has been Head of the Nonlinear Physics and Mathematical Models Research Unit. From 2015 to 2020 she was Pro-Rector for University Education. Since 2021 she has been a CNR Research Associate. Scientific director of the CNR@ third-party research unitUCBM.

Prof.ssa Sara Ramella
Vice Rector for Integration and Social Impact

Full Professor of Oncological Radiotherapy. Since 2014 he has directed the School of Specialization in Oncological Radiotherapy. He is Director of the Oncological Radiotherapy Complex Operative Unit of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital Foundation and President of the Degree Course in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy.

Prof. Vincenzo Di Lazzaro
Dean of the Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

Full Professor of Neurology. He is Director of the School of Specialization in Neurology and Director of the Neurology Complex Operative Unit of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital Foundation. Since 2020 he has been Dean of the Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

Prof.ssa Marcella Trombetta
Dean of the Departmental Faculty of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development and One Health

Full Professor of Chemical Foundations of Technologies. From 2013 to 2022 she was Research Coordinator and in 2016 she was Vice Dean of the Departmental Faculty of Ingengineering. Since 2022 he has been the Rector's Delegate for Quality, since 2006 he has been Head of the Laboratory IngTissue and chemical engineering forIngengineering belonging to the CIR – Integrated Research Centre. He is on the Major Risks Commission of the Civil Protection.

Prof.ssa Loredana Zollo
Dean of the Departmental Faculty of Ingengineering 

Full Professor of Bioingengineering. Since 2022 she has been Coordinator of the Doctoral Course in Bioingengineering, Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems and since 2018 he has been Head of the Advanced Robotics and Human Centered Technologies Research Unit (CREO Lab) and President of the Master's Degree Course in IngBiomedical engineering.

Dott. Andrea Rossi
Chief Executive Officer and General Manager

Degree in Economics and Business – LUISS. He has held roles of increasing importance within UCBM: Assistant to the Manager of the Economic-Financial Area; Operational Secretary of the Administrative Directorate; Economic-financial coordinator; Manager in charge of the economic-financial area; Administrative Director of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital, board member of UCBM and member of the Executive Committee. He is a member of the CODAU Board (Representative of Non-State Universities). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the IPE Business School, of the Fondazione ITS Meccatronico del Lazio and of Brain Innovation and Heremos Srl

