The Teaching Quality Assurance Groups are set up, one for each course of study provided by theUCBM, pursuant to article 20 of the DR 198 of 300/05/2022 - General University Regulations ofUniversità Campus Bio-medico di Roma.
The Teaching Quality Assurance Groups are responsible for:
- assist and support the President of the Study Program in the management of teaching quality assurance processes also with reference to tutoring activities;
- carry out the "Annual monitoring" and the "Cyclic review report" of the study programme.
Each Quality Assurance Group is appointed by the Academic Senate on the proposal of the Council of the Departmental Faculty to which the course belongs and is chaired by the President of the study course.
At least two other professors with teaching duties in the course of study take part in the composition of the Group, an administrative assistant belonging to the Teaching Secretariat and a student representative of the course of study. The single-cycle master's degree course in Medicine and Surgery requires the participation of two student representatives, one respectively for the first and one for the second three-year study period.
The AQD-CdS group remains in office for three years and its members can be reappointed.