On this page it is possible to obtain all the information relating to the call for applications for the assignment of scholarships UCBM for students enrolled in the first year ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.

Call for scholarships UCBM for students enrolled in the first year

Academic year 2021/2022



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Call for Admission is valid

Rector's Decree 608/2021

Application submission deadline

15 February 2022

Grant fee

Each scholarship is equal to 50% of the single contribution foreseen for the respective course of study

Application for participation

login with personal credentials

Documentation relating to income for students not belonging to the UE

The income requirement is calculated on the basis of the sum of the income received in the country of origin in 2019 by each member of the household and 20% of the assets owned as at 31 December 2019, comparing the value obtained with the parameter of the equivalence scale, applied to the family nucleus in relation to the number of members and any increases.
Foreign citizens not residing in Italy cannot make use of the self-certification therefore the documentation relating to the economic and patrimonial condition of foreign students not belonging to the EU must be issued by the competent authorities of the country where the income was produced or alternatively by the competent representation diplomatic or consular office present in Italy and, if necessary, legalized by the Prefecture, pursuant to art. 17, paragraph 4, of law 15/1968.
This documentation must be translated into lingua by the Italian diplomatic authorities competent for the territory. Income received as of 31 December 2019 and assets held abroad as of 31 December 2019 are valued on the basis of the average exchange rate of foreign currencies for the reference year, determined in accordance with the law and expressed in euros. Real estate owned as of 31 December 2019 is valued only in the case of buildings, and considered on the basis of the conventional value of €500,00 per square metre. All students from non-EU countries are obliged to present certification of their economic condition as indicated in this article, under penalty of exclusion from benefits, using the form Annex 1 - ofchiaraconsular tion.