Ref. Note Prot.n. 5859 of 28 February 2022 - Ministry of University and Research (MUR)

All students are advised that in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic - IV special series - Competitions and exams n. 13 of 15 February 2022, the "Call for tenders, based on qualifications, for the assignment of scholarships in favor of victims of terrorism and organized crime, as well as their survivors, referred to in article 4 of the law of 23 November 1998, n. 407, and subsequent modifications; of the victims of duty and their survivors, referred to in article 82 of the law of 23 December 2000, n. 388, and subsequent amendments, of the victims' families referred to in article 1-bis of the decree-law of 20 January 2004, n. 9, converted, with modifications, by law 12 March 2004, n. 68, and of the subjects referred to in article 1 of the law of 3 August 2004, n. 206, reserved for students of degree courses, single-cycle and non-single-cycle specialist/master's degrees, to the students of the courses of the institutions for higher artistic, musical and dance education (AFAM) and to specialization schools, with the exception of paid ones" (OJ n.13 of 15-02-2022).

The deadline for submitting applications is Thursday 17 March 2022.

>> Consult the announcement and find out how to present the application and the selection criteria