Alessandro Zompanti
Laureato in Ingegneria Biomedica nel 2010 consegue un dottorato di ricerca in Bioingegneria e Bioscienze nel 2017 presso l'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.
Dal 2021 è Ricercatore (RTD-A) presso l'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma nell’Unità di Ricerca di Elettronica per Sensori.
Le sue attività di ricerca sono principalmente focalizzate sulla progettazione e lo sviluppo di sistemi elettronici e interfacce elettroniche per sensori per applicazioni mediche e alimentari.
2021-2023: RTD-A, Unità di Elettronica per Sistemi Sensoriali, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
2017-2021: Assegnista di Ricerca, Unità di Elettronica per Sistemi Sensoriali, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
2017: Visiting Student presso il laboratorio Else Kooi del Dipartimento di Microelettronica della Delft University of Technology
2014-2017: Dottorato in Bioingegneria e Bioscienze, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
2011-2012: Contratto a Progetto, Unità di Ricerca di Robotica Biomedica e Bio-microsistemi, Università
Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
2008-2010: Laurea Sspecialistica in Ingegneria Biomedica, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
2005-2008: Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Biomedica, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
A Ladder Network Theoretical Approach for the Automatic Monitoring of Distributed Sensors
(2023) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Micromachined Tools Using Acoustic Wave Triggering for the Interaction with the Growth of Plant Biological Systems
(2022) Micromachines
Microsystem Nodes for Soil Monitoring via an Energy Mapping Network: A Proof-of-Concept Preliminary Study
(2022) Micromachines
Microbiological Risk Assessment of Ready-to-Eat Leafy Green Salads via a Novel Electrochemical Sensor
(2022) Chemosensors
An electrochemical sensor for monitoring biogenic amines in anchovies as quality and safety index
(2021) Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
Proof of concept study of an electrochemical sensor for inland water monitoring with a network approach
(2021) Remote Sensing
Biosensors for detection and monitoring of joint infections
(2021) Chemosensors
Gut Microbiota and Related Electronic Multisensorial System Changes in Subjects With Symptomatic Uncomplicated Diverticular Disease Undergoing Rifaximin Therapy
(2021) Frontiers in Medicine
A multi-sensor system for sea water iodide monitoring and seafood quality assurance: Proof-of-concept study
(2021) Sensors
Design of an innovative methodology for cerebrospinal fluid analysis: Preliminary results
(2021) Sensors
Development and test of a portable ecg device with dry capacitive electrodes and driven right leg circuit
(2021) Sensors
BIONOTE as an innovative biosensor for measuring endocannabinoid levels
(2021) Sensors (Switzerland)
Integration of voltammetric analysis, protein electrophoresis and pH measurement for diagnosis of pleural effusions: a non-conventional diagnostic approach
(2020) Scientific Reports
CO2 and O2 detection by electric field sensors
(2020) Sensors (Switzerland)
Evaluation of a multisensorial system for a rapid preliminary screening of the olive oil chemical compounds in an industrial process
(2020) Journal of Agricultural Engineering
A sensor platform for athletes’ training supervision: A proof of concept study
(2019) Sensors (Switzerland)
Repeatability of exhaled breath fingerprint collected by a modern sampling system in asthmatic and healthy children
(2019) Journal of Breath Research
Advances in the electronics for cyclic voltammetry: The case of gas detection by using microfabricated electrodes
(2018) Frontiers in Chemistry
Resonant directly coupled inductors-capacitors ladder network shows a new, interesting property useful for application in the sensor field, down to micrometric dimensions
(2018) Micromachines
Electronic Interface for a Gas Sensor System Based on 32 MHz QCMs: Design and Calibration
(2018) IEEE Sensors Journal
Voltammetric analysis for fast and inexpensive diagnosis of urinary tract infection: A diagnostic study
(2018) Journal of Translational Medicine
Breath-Printing of Heart Failure in Elderly
(2018) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Design and development of an electronic interface for gas detection and exhaled breath analysis in liquids
(2018) IEEE Sensors Journal