Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Bergen (until June 2023). Head of the Philosophy of Science and Human Development research unit. He carries out research activities in various fields of philosophy, epistemology, ethics and the sciences of complexity and life, with a production of over 100 works including volumes and articles.
Assistant Professor of Innovation, with tenure track, at the Campus Bio-Medico University (Rome, Italy). He has been to visiting researcher at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering (New York, USA) and Pace University Seidenberg School of Computer Science (New York, USA). His main research interests are in the areas of innovation and sustainability. His papers have appeared in prestigious international refereed journals as Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, British Journal of Management and Small Business Economics among others. He is Associate Editor of Finance Research Letters (Elsevier), and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Knowledge Management (Emerald), Environmental Challenges (Elsevier), and Digital Business (Elsevier).
Assistant Professor (RTDA) in the Computer Systems and Bioinformatics Lab, he has been at the Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome since 2006.
He is currently researchinging in different fields of Artificial Intelligence in general, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, such as Precision Medicine, Bit-omics and Embedded Systems with a special focus on Federated Learning.
He has a production of more than 30 scientific articles.
Francesco Scotto di Luzio is currently Assistant Professor of Bioengineering (RTD-a, SSD: ING-IND/34) at the Research Unit of Advanced Robotics and Human-centred Technologies (Creo Lab) - Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.
His research interests are mainly in the field of robot-aided rehabilitation, assistive robotics, service robotics for hospital environments, hardware/software integration of multimodal architectures for user state estimation and ergonomic assessment of the worker.
His activities are focused on the following topics: human-robot Interaction, multimodal interfaces for robot control, machine learning techniques for user state estimation, computer vision for robotics, bio-cooperative control systems and sensor data processesing and fusion.
He currently holds the role of Assistant Professor at the departmental faculty of Ingengineering ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma where he teaches Cybersecurity courses for Operational Technologies, Cybersecurity, Smart Systems, and Dynamics and Control of Chemical Processes.
The research activity concerns the methodological aspects and application technologies for the cyber and physical protection of critical infrastructures, the identification of vulnerabilities and the definition of defensive strategies.
In 2021 he was the winner of the "Young Researcher Award 2021" given by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society TCHS.
He is currently a member of the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Homeland Security and of the EEE RAS Technical Committee on Digital Manufacturing and Human-Centered Automation.
Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the departmental Faculty of Ingengineering, is present atUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma since 2021, where he is Head of the “Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability Group” research unit; he is President of the European Financial Management Association and carries out research in various fields of Business Economics and Finance with numerous publications in international journals
Date of Birth: May 31, 1991
Place of Birth: Agrigento
Mario Merone is a Researcher at the Processing Systems and Bioinformatics Unit. He holds a PhD in Bioingengineering and Biosciences in 2017. His research study focuses on the field of Artificial Intelligence. His research has resulted in 46 publications and one patent. He is currently the scientific director of several projects involving the application of artificial intelligence in the medical field and is a founding member of an innovative start-up called BPCOMEDIA SRL, focused on the technological transfer of research results.
Mario Merone He is a member of the IEEE, the IEEE Computer Society, the IEEE Computational Life Sciences, and the IEEE Sensors Council.
Associate Professor in Automation since 2023, he directs the Laboratory of Complex Systems and Security (http://www.coseritylab.it/) and carries out research activities related to the control of multi-agent systems, distributed optimization and decision methods multi-criteria, with a production of over 50 papers in journals with impact factor.