Deadline for submission of applications 22/ 09 / 2024

Disclaimer: when the masculine form is used in this text, solely for the purpose of simplification, the form is to be understood as referring inclusively to all people.


This notice invites students UCBM specified in the "Recipients" paragraph to express interest in being included in the merit ranking of their Degree Course, in order to participate in the second semester of the academic year. 2024/2025 to the national mobility "Italian Erasmus" and to the possible subsequent phase of assignment of mobility places and any scholarships financed by the MUR. The actual number of grants will be paid based on the funds received from the Ministry.


Those who as of 22 September 2024:

  •  are students of UCBM enrolled in 2023/2024 in one of the following master's degree courses of the University participating in the Italian Erasmus program:
    - LM-61 "Food Sciences and Human Nutrition" (outgoing mobility planned with the University of Messina);
    - LM-22 "Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Development" (outgoing mobility planned with the University of Calabria);
    - LM-32 "Intelligent Systems Engineering" (outgoing mobility planned with the University of Calabria);
  • are not out of course;
  • are up to date with all payments due.


The mobility will take place in the second semester of the 2024/2025 academic year.

The duration of the mobility program is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 months and in accordance with the academic year calendar of the host University. Students who are selected for an international mobility for the same period cannot participate.


The Ministry of University and Research finances the "Italian Erasmus" project through the provision of scholarships in favor of selected students who, by the deadline for participation in this expression of interest, have communicated to UCBM the economic condition indicator for the year 2024 - ISEE Right to Study - with a value not exceeding € 36.000,00.

The amount of the scholarship awarded to each eligible student is at €1.000 per month. The exact number of financeable scholarships and therefore the number of beneficiary students will be communicated by the Ministry of University and Research approximately starting from the end of October 2024.

The procedure therefore involves two phases:
the first phase will be aimed at establishing, for each course, a ranking of suitable people interested in participating in national mobility (Italian Erasmus) in the second semester of 2024/2025;
the second phase will be aimed at assigning mobility places and any scholarships financed by the MUR, according to the order of the ranking. However, mobility is permitted even in the absence of a scholarship, subject to authorization from the destination University.

The scholarship received under the "Italian Erasmus" program cannot be cumulated with other scholarships for national and international mobility programs relating to the same mobility period.

The grant will be paid at the beginning of the mobility period. The minimum number of credits to be acquired during the mobility period will depend on its duration and will be defined in the learning agreement.


The application to participate in the selection must be submitted starting Since the day 2/08/2024 and by 22 September 2024. The submission of the application requires sending via ordinary email to the email address [email protected] of the following information:

Name and surname
Enrollment course of study
Course of study at which to carry out the mobility
Mobile number

To attach:
> ISEE Right to Study 2024 certification

NB The account [email protected] it is an ordinary and non-certified mail address, therefore it is not enabled to receive emails from certified mail addresses.


The evaluation of the merit of the applications is carried out by a special Evaluation Commission made up of the Presidents of the CdS involved in the Italian Erasmus Project. For each course, a ranking will be defined, each of which will be drawn up on the basis of academic merit determined using the following formula:

1Weighted averagePTI max * weighted average / 3050 ITP
2Regularity of studiesNo. of exams taken / No. of exams taken
as of 31/07/2024 * 50
Eligibility and credits are not taken into account
extra-curricular or partial exams.
50 ITP

The Evaluation Committee reserves the right to have candidates undergo a motivational interview and the right not to assign the positions put up for competition if, in its sole and reasoned judgement, the candidate is not deemed suitable.



The rankings of suitable candidates will be published on the University website in the appropriate sections of the study courses involved:

 The publication of the rankings of suitable candidates is considered as notification and no written or telephone communication will be given regarding the outcome of the selection.


The University, based on the agreements stipulated and the funds received from the MUR, will assign the available mobility positions, taking into account the number of suitable candidates for each Course of Study and according to the order of merit ranking.

Candidates who are eligible winners will be notified via specific email and will be required to express acceptance of the scholarship by replying to the address [email protected] within 5 days from the date of communication, via specific email, of the awarding of the scholarship.

Failure to accept the scholarship within the deadline indicated above will be considered as a waiver. In the event of renunciation or forfeiture of a beneficiary, the scholarship will be assigned to the next candidate in the list of eligible candidates, if in time for participation in the program, until the list is exhausted.

Choice of courses and approval of study plan

Students enrolled in courses Master's Degree they will be able to spend the mobility period at the affiliated locations specified in the table below and associated with their Course of Study.

Before departure it is compulsory sign the agreement individual mobility.

Before signing the agreement, students admitted to the mobility are required to contact the President of the Study Program and propose a proposal "Learning Agreement" in which it will necessarily be indicated which training activities (including courses, internships, theses) you intend to follow in the host University and which of the activities present in the study plan approved for the 2024/2025 academic year you intend to validate through the experience of mobility at the host university. Each student will receive instructions on completing and signing the agreement to their institutional email

After approval by the President of the Course of Studies, the Office of Teaching Planning and Management will communicate to the host University the personal data and the training activities that will be followed and will provide the student with the contacts at the host University to receive assistance during the mobility period. At the end of the mobility, the courses approved in the Learning Agreement and passed at the host University (subject to formal communication by the latter), will be validated by the President of the Course of Studies and registered by the Student Secretariat.

Student obligations during the mobility period

During the mobility period, students are required to comply with the rules and regulations established by the host University.

Students are required to present themselves at the host University's facilities upon arrival, to complete recognition and formally begin the mobility period.

Likewise, at the end of the mobility period they are required to report to the facilities of the host University at the end of the experience to formally conclude the mobility period.

The host University will provide formal communication to UCBM of the end of the mobility period and will communicate at the same time the outcome of passing the final exams relating to the activities attended. In the event that the host University is willing to grant participation in exam sessions subsequent to the end of the mobility period, it will communicate this to UCBM indicating the last date that will be granted and will undertake to send the positive result for the next registration in their career.

Insurance coverage

Mobile students are covered by insurance policies signed by theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma for third party liability and accidents. Activities related to free time, even those organized by associations or agencies that require the individual's membership, are excluded from the policy's operation.

Repayment of financial contribution

Contributions for student mobility are linked to the studies and/or activities carried out.

The student must return the entire amount of the scholarship paid in the following cases:
../ renounces the mobility period;
../ non-participation in training activities at the host University. The activities will be certified by the partner university.


For information regarding the program, students can write to: [email protected] ; For information on training activities, contact the Teaching Office of your Departmental Faculty:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Further information is made available on the dedicated web pages: