> Discover the Specialization Schools UCBM

Conditions and modalities of admission

The Specialization Schools are reserved for students who have obtained the Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery and the related qualification. Limited to specific addresses, graduates qualified in other disciplines can also access it. The candidate may also have obtained the qualification from a foreign university, provided that it is considered equivalent by the competent Italian academic authorities. On the basis of the number of places made available each year by Ministerial Decree, access to Specialization Schools takes place through a national entrance exam, the times and methods of execution of which are defined from time to time by a specific Ministerial Decree.

>> Tuition and contribution regulations a.y. 2023/2024

>> Tuition and contribution regulations a.y. 2022/2023

For further information, you can contact the Specialization Schools Service, open to the public at the times:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10.00 - 12.30 
  • Tuesday, Thursday: 14.30pm - 16.30pm 

Where is the office located

The Specialization Schools Office ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma is located in Rome in Via Alvaro Del Portillo, 21 (Trigoria area), on the ground floor of the Advanced Research Center in Biomedicine and Bioingengineering (Prabb).