Il 24nd June at l 'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma a training event will be held dedicated to in-depth analysis of the financing opportunities offered by Calls for 2024 of the European Innovation Council (EIC) within the R&I Framework Program “Horizon Europe”.

The EIC calls aim at support of all phases of innovation - from Research and Development (R&D) on the scientific foundations of technologies, to their validation and demonstration - through three types of actions:

  • Pathfinder for innovative advanced research and for supporting the development of revolutionary technologies;  
  • Transition for the validation of technologies already developed in previous project initiatives and the development of business plans for specific applications;  
  • accelerator to support individual companies (SMEs, start-ups, spin-outs and in exceptional cases small mid-caps) in order to bring their innovations to the market and support the rapid scale-up phase.  

The event is organized in collaboration with theAgency for the Promotion of European Research and includes one frontal, in which the EIC National Contact Point will describe the 2024 funding opportunity, And a operational part in which researchers and teachers UCBM they will share their project ideas to obtain useful feedback for drafting proposals for the next tenders.

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