The II Level University Master's Degree in Pediatric Neurorehabilitation is an advanced training course, which aims to complete and expand the specialized skills already acquired, providing tools and skills aimed at developing application and professional skills in the developmental age. Organized in collaboration with the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome.
The Master develops advanced skills in the rehabilitation management of disabilities in the developmental age.
Educational objectives
At the end of the Master, participants will be able to:
- chair and govern the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team;
- define the project and the individual rehabilitation program of the child and adolescent with disabilities;
- know the mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and its activation modalities;
- manage the care of patients in the developmental age with disabilities deriving from pathologies such as infantile cerebral palsy, stroke, head trauma, brain tumors, spinal injuries, genetic syndromes, etc.;
- use pharmacological, surgical, rehabilitative, prostheses, orthoses and aids in an optimal and integrated way in order to develop the full potential of the child;
- understand and intervene in the psychological dynamics of the family;
- use new technologies in the rehabilitation of disabilities.
Career opportunities
The professional figure trained by the Master, in accordance with current legislation, can be placed in:
- Companies and organizations in the private and public health sector (hospitals, local health authorities, etc.).
- Departments and services of child neuropsychiatry.
- Territorial pediatric rehabilitation services.
- Socio-educational and rehabilitation day centers operating in the field of developmental age disabilities.
- Pediatric palliative care centers.
Recipients and access requirements
To be admitted to the Master's it is necessary to have obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery and be a final year specialist or in possession of a specialization in one of the following areas:
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- Child and adolescent neuropsychiatry.
- Neurology.
Didactic structure and thematic areas
The Master has an annual duration of 1.500 hours (corresponding to 60 credits), of which:
- 35 credits of teaching (frontal and FAD) and personal study;
- 1 CFU of participation in conferences/seminars;
- 4 credits of educational laboratories, exercises, project work;
- 10 internship credits;
- 10 CFU of intermediate checks/Thesis/Final exam.
The course is structured in 14 thematic modules which include integrated forms of theoretical activities, individual learning and field experiences:
1) Child neuropsychiatry
2) Rehabilitation medicine
3) Complex clinical pictures
4) Neuropsychology and clinical psychology
5) Language disorders and AAC
6) Pediatric surgery
7) Pediatric neurorehabilitation
8) Management of the post-acute child
9) Applied medical techniques: dysphagia, respiratory rehabilitation
10) Applied medical techniques: rehabilitation of movement disorders
11) Methodology and operating procedures
12) Neuroradiology
13) Neurophysiopathology
14) Specialized pediatrics
There are two learning and verification tests, the first halfway through the Master's and the second at the end of the Master's teaching activity. Passing these tests will allow access to the final test which consists in the elaboration and discussion of a thesis.
The internship activities will take place at the following facilities:
- IRCCS Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital of Rome – Department of Neurorehabilitation and Robotics – Palidoro - Via della Torre di Palidoro snc – Fiumicino, Rome
- IRCCS Eugenio Medea – Our Family Association, Via don Luigi Monza, 1 - 22037 Ponte Lambro (CO) (at the various offices of the association)
Any other pediatric rehabilitation facilities may be accredited on the proposal of the learner after assessment of suitability by the Scientific Committee.
The internship activity also provides for the elaboration, under tutorial supervision, of project works which will be discussed during the exam, at the end of each thematic area.
Any partial acknowledgments of the internship activity may be evaluated by the Scientific Direction following the presentation of the service certificate.
Method of admission
The application for admission to the Master must be submitted by 23.59 pm on 31/03/2023 using the online procedure available clicking here which involves:
- personal data and contact details;
- information relating to the qualification;
- CV
- identity card;
- self-declaration in lieu of a certification;
- details of the successful transfer of the admission fee (€50).
The selection will be made through curricular evaluation and regularity of sending the application.
>> Presentation of curriculum vitae
The curriculum vitae and studiorum must be presented, indicating, in addition to personal data:
- Training experiences with certified assessment: AFD ASV, Specialist, Specialization Course, Master, DAI, Degree, ECM, etc ... (indicating the duration expressed in days/hours)
- Professional experience: indicating the period of service, expressed in months/years
- Scientific and teaching activity: texts and articles, responsibility and/or collaboration in research projects, teaching, etc…
Attendance fee
The enrollment fee for the entire Master is €3.800,00 to be divided into 2 installments:
- €1.900,00 upon enrollment (by 14/04/2023)
- €1.900,00 by 31/10/2023
There are reduced rates of €3.000,00 (instead of €3.800,00) for the following categories:
- employees of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital Foundation;
- employees of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome;
- UCBM Academy Ambassadors.
All payments, including the one relating to the admission application, must be made by bank transfer to the bank current account in the name of:
Accountholder: Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Bank: Banca Intesa Sanpaolo
IBAN: IT32Q0306905020100000077054
specifying in the reason for payment: Surname Name Master Pediatric Neurorehabilitation, application for admission, or first installment, or second installment, or total enrolment.
In no case will the participation fees paid to the Master be refunded.
Title awarded
Participants who complete the Master and are in compliance with the administrative obligations will be awarded the title of II Level University Master in Pediatric Neurorehabilitation.