Scientific direction

Prof. Roberto Guida

Full Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries - Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma


The Postgraduate Course in "IoT Manager" is part of the Innovation & Sustainability (I&S) Project, promoted by the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome in partnership with Marzotto Venture Accelerator.

Educational objectives

The course is focused on the acquisition of advanced technical knowledge and skills for the coordination of development, management and evolution processes of IoT architectures and systems.

In particular, the development, management and security systems of IoT devices and platforms, the techniques and technologies of generation, processing and data management in IoT systems and the development and optimization for embedded systems and for Industrial IoT and Industry 4.0 will be studied.

The path combines technical-specialist skills with the learning of transversal and behavioral skills (soft skills) of Leadership & Teamwork crucial for the figure of the IoT Manager.

Recipients and admission requirements

>> Are you an employee of the Public Administration?

Discover the "PA 110 e lode" initiative and enroll in the course by taking advantage of a reduced fee

The course is aimed at:

  • Anyone who holds or will hold positions of responsibility in their organization with reference to the management and development of IoT technologies and systems (IT Manager, CIO, Operation Manager, IT Operation professional within the Public Administration and Production Managers of small, medium and large industrial enterprises).
  • Those who are interested in taking on the role of IoT Manager or who already hold this role and want to strengthen and update their skillset with respect to the latest technological developments.
  • Specialists who work in the field of consultancy and outsourcing management of services who want to explore the technological evolutions of the IoT world.

Below are the requirements to participate:

  • Bachelor's degree (at least three years) in computer science.
  • Good knowledge of data management and analysis systems and technologies, distributed systems and cloud technologies.

Participation in the course is incompatible with enrollment in other university study courses, namely: Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Specialization course, Research Doctorate, active training internship (TFA) and other university Master's.

Method of admission

To submit your application to the course, simply fill in the application for admission, sign it and send it to the email address [email protected]

Course structure

The course is structured in 6 modules, each lasting 2 days.

The teaching structure of the course is given below:

ARCHITECTURES AND PLATFORMS FOR IOT SYSTEMS The module presents the main architectures for the management, configuration and control of IoT systems. The application of these architectures and the respective communication models is addressed in the context of different application scenarios and enhancing the exploitable trade-offs. The module is enriched by the discussion of case studies related to the different models presented. 2
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR IOT SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS The module presents the main communication architectures and protocols that can be used in the context of IoT applications, from local connection of devices to protocols for low energy consumption remote collection. Each architecture and technology is presented in the context of the application trade-offs it allows to solve and by referring to concrete scenarios and usage case studies. 2
MANAGEMENT AND SECURITY OF ARCHITECTURES AND IOT SYSTEMS The module deals with the problem of information security related to IoT systems, describing the main vulnerabilities that these systems can present globally and the main methods of prevention and containment from attacks, going as far as the most innovative approaches currently available. 2
APPLICATION SCENARIOS FOR THE IOT The module provides analysis and solution skills in the IoT application contexts (smart cities, smart building, smart mobility, smart agriculture and smart manufacturing). Through the analysis of case studies in the design and implementation of IoT architectures, students will be able to experience the best smartization solutions in practice in different application environments. 2
INDUSTRIAL IOT AND INDUSTRY 4.0 The module addresses the problem of designing and characterizing industrial IoT applications. In particular, the problem of requirements in the industrial field and the main solutions that make it possible to satisfy them are addressed. The module also addresses the problem of purely industrial communication standards and the new standards created to facilitate integration with IoT systems. Case studies and the solutions adopted in them are discussed in the module. 2
MCL (MANAGER, COACH, LEADER) SOFT SKILLS LAB The module will allow the learner to acquire skills regarding:

- Energy management and stress management in times of uncertainty.
- The ingredients of the dream team: from a group of individuals to a team.
- The functional management of the error and the celebration of success.
- Leader, Manager, Coach: knowing how to choose the most effective method with agility.
- The key elements to lead a team through change.
- Leadershift: the power of membership.

PROJECT WORK Preparation and presentation of the project work at the end of the course. 3

Teaching methodology

The Course will be delivered in Phygital mode which combines the online and offline worlds trying to take the best aspects of each to create a more complete and satisfying customer experience.

Title issued and certification

The students who complete the course with the discussion of the final Project Work and who comply with the administrative obligations will be awarded the title of specialization in "IoT Manager" to which 15 credits are attributed.

Those who do not discuss the final Project Work will be issued a certificate of participation in the Executive Course in "IoT Manager".

Duration, start date and location

The course will last 2 months. The start date is on 18th November 2022.

The lessons will take place at the following locations:

  • Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
  • Rome Innovation Hub

Registration fee

The participation fee for the course is €4.800,00.

The subsidized participation fee dedicated to PA employees is €3.360,00.

The details for making the payment are given below:

Holder of the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome

Banca Intesa Sanpaolo

IBAN IT32Q0306905020100000077054

Description Surname Name – IoT Manager Course


The teaching activity will be provided by teachers of theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma and by sector experts and professionals made available by the partner companies of the Innovation & Sustainability Project - big players in innovation and leading companies in the sectors of new enabling technologies.