Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma - “Erasmus Plus” program

Call for selection of students on mobility for study ay 2019/2020

Erasmus + call

Academic year 2019/2020

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

Selection calendar Attachment Unavailable

RANKING 2019/2020

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Call for Admission is valid

Rector's Decree 71/2019

Useful Information

Erasmus + allows you to carry out a period of study abroad (mobility period) in one of the countries participating in the Programme. EU and non-EU citizens who are regularly enrolled in the 2019/2020 academic year at the Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of theUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. For details, consult the full text of the announcement. Here is the list of destination locations.

Method of submitting the application

The candidate who intends to participate in the call for applications must:

1. access your Esse3 personal area
2. click on the “International Mobility” button at the bottom left
3. Click on "Actions" and choose the tender you wish to participate in
4. fill in the required fields
5. attach any language certificates the candidate possesses.

Application submission deadline

29 March 2019, 12.00 pm