A smart face mask for monitoring the respiratory rate
As part of the international workshop "IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT", Lucrezia Giorgi, student of doctorate at l 'Research Unit of Measurements and Biomedical Instrumentation dell 'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, received the "Best student paper" award.
The research, of which Eng. Giorgi is the first signatory, is focused on the design and development of a 'smart face mask' for prolonged monitoring of respiratory rate, and is the continuation of the work done for the three-year thesis project in Industrial Engineering di Frederick DiMarco, second author of the study.
The system is based on the use of thermistors, in this case used to measure the temperature difference between the inhaled and exhaled air. Using sophisticated algorithms, from this information it was possible to record the respiratory rate, one of the most useful physiological parameters for assessing a person's state of health. More experiments will be needed to test the smart mask in different scenarios, like that one sports o diagnostic clinician and on a larger number of subjects.
"Thanks to the collaboration with the Unit of Integrated Therapies in Otorhinolaryngology of the University Hospital - has explained Lucrezia Giorgi - the mask could find application as a screening method for sleep apnea syndrome, a very frequent but largely underdiagnosed clinical condition".
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